fifteen .

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After that, Simon contacts Harry as much as possible, and Harry is nearly glued to his phone. The next two days consist of constant phone calls, text messages, and an occasional video call every once in a while.

Yet, when there's only three days left until Simon comes home, there's complete radio silence.

No texts, no calls. Absolutely nothing. When Harry attempts to call him, it immediately turns to voicemail, and all of his texts remain on delivered.

He tries not to think about it. Maybe his phone died, maybe his mother followed through and took it, maybe he's sleeping in, maybe he lost it. There's a lot of rational explanations for Simon's near disappearance, but it's hard to ignore his anxieties.

Harry considers inviting Ethan or Lux over, maybe even Josh if he isn't busy. However, Lux and Ethan have been suspiciously off the radar for the last two days, and Josh is swamped with work from his classes. Besides, it's heavily raining, and it would be difficult for anyone to come over even if they weren't busy.

With that in mind, there is no explanation for the sudden knocking on Harry's front door.

Harry almost doesn't hear it at first, but the second round of knocking is loud and more urgent. Slightly scared, he cautiously makes his way to the door. When he opens it, his heart skips two beats and then stops completely, feeling as though it dropped to the pit of his stomach.

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