twenty three .

210 6 2

June, 2015

"You look familiar."

Harry startles, swiveling around to face the voice that spoke to him. Mentally, he curses himself for being so easily scared, but who can blame him? He's thirteen, alone walking home, his senses on high alert.

The boy he comes face to face with is pretty, surprisingly pretty. His hair is blondish brown, and he's smiling widely. "I was right! I know you."

Harry blinks a couple times, staring at the boy. He is quite familiar, somehow, which is odd. "Do I know you?" He asks.

The other boy walks a little closer, matching Harry's pace. Harry turns around and keeps walking, very aware of the presence next to him.

"I'm in your math class," The boy says. "After break. It's a big class, though, and I sit in the back."

It's true, his math class is pretty big, seating nearly thirty kids. He's never paid attention to any of them, and he feels slightly guilty for not recognizing the other. "Sorry I don't know you." Harry says dumbly.

The other laughs, and Harry avoids his gaze. "My name's Simon Minter. Yours?"

"Harry Lewis."

"Well, nice to meet you, Harry." Simon says, and when Harry glances over, he's grinning. It's too pretty, and Harry looks away with a flush on his cheeks. "I don't normally walk this way, but I'm going to my cousin's house. Sorry if I approached you weird."

His voice is so bright, and normally Harry doesn't like cheery voices, but Simon's is nice. "It's alright. I'm walking home."

"Oh, cool," Simon says, adjusting his bag on his shoulders. "Do you know my cousin? His name's Jimmy."

Harry blanks for a moment. "He's my neighbor."

"What? No way! That's such a cool coincidence. Do you want my number?"

Harry is taken aback for the third time during this encounter, looking at Simon incredulously. "What? We just met."

Simon shrugs, already taking his phone out of his pocket. "You know my cousin, and we go to school together. Plus, I think you're really cool."

Cool? Harry wouldn't really call himself that, nor would anyone else he knows.

"Oh, wait!" Simon says suddenly, looking at Harry with flaming red cheeks. "You don't- you don't have to give me your number if you're uncomfortable. I'm sorry, I probably overstepped a boundary or something, I'm not really-"

"I'll give you my number," Harry cuts him off. "You're cool too."

Simon's embarrassed expression is quickly replaced by a beaming smile, and Harry thinks he could really get used to seeing that.

A little after they part ways, Harry receives a text. It reads, 'I'm glad I met you today, I hope we become close friends!! xx'.

Harry spends the entire night texting him, and the rest is history.

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