four .

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Simon's side of the bed is empty by the time Harry wakes up the next morning. It's still warm, and Harry just lays there for a few moments, trying to collect enough motivation to get up. He eventually does, though it takes him five minutes.

His vision is blurry, the light from the window not helping him see at all. He gathers his thoughts slowly, pushing Simon's door open and walking down the hall to their small living room.

"Your glasses are on the counter next to your meds," Simon says, not even looking away from the television. "I put some clothes in the bathroom for you when you shower, it's cold today, and your hoodies were all on the floor so I picked them up for you and gave you one of mine. Don't forget to eat something, I left some eggs and toast out for you but it might be cold so heat it up if you need to."

Harry blinks, staring at Simon, who hasn't even looked at him. His back is to Harry, and the younger is still amazed at how Simon always knows when Harry walks into the room. Harry himself doesn't have that ability, and Simon uses it to scare him sometimes.

Instead of going directly to the kitchen, Harry instead goes to his own room, seeing that the floor is no longer covered in dirty clothes and random papers. His bed is made neatly, his laptop placed on his now clean desk and his pencils organized by colour.

Upon opening his closet, he sees that his shirts are organized by colour now, too. His pants are separated into categories on the shelf in the closet and there's spare blankets underneath. He grabs one of the blankets, deciding to investigate his room further when he gets back from his first class.

He enters the living room again, walking towards Simon who is watching another anime show, half empty can of redbull on the table in front of him. Harry tosses the blanket over him and sits next to him, squinting to see the television since his glasses are in the kitchen.

"Why do you watch it if you don't know what they're saying?" Harry questions, trying to make out the subtitles, and pick up small bits from what little he can read.

Simon tugs the blanket over his shoulders, wrapping himself in it. "Trying to expand my knowledge." He smiles smugly at his own words.

Harry admires that. Harry was never the best with languages, always slipping back into English and fumbling over his words back in school when taking a language was mandatory. Simon's always seemed to pick it up fairly well, though.

"Thank you for cleaning my room, by the way. I've been meaning to do it myself." Harry comments, giving up on reading the screen and instead focusing on the cartoonish people talking, letting the Japanese flow through one ear and out the other.

Simon leans forward and grabs his drink, taking a sip and glancing at Harry slightly. "It's no problem. I woke up earlier than I planned today and felt like cleaning." He finishes off his drink in one go, setting the empty can back down on the table. "You should get ready, your class is in an hour. I can walk you there if you want."

Harry shakes his head, standing up and stretching his arms in front of him. "It's fine. I'll text you when I get out. Do you have classes today?" Harry asks, trying to remember Simon's schedule as he enters their small kitchen and puts his glasses on.

Harry can hear shuffling behind him as he takes his medicine, and he turns to see Simon washing the contents of the sink. "I don't have any classes today. I was thinking of just cleaning around the house until you got back. I have a photography project to work on as well, but I was planning on waiting so I could take pictures of you." Simon says, adjusting the blanket around his shoulders.

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