seven .

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The two of them end up at Hyde Park, like they always do, looking out across the river together underneath the scintillating spring sun. There's a sharp chill in the air, despite the sun being out on full display. They didn't bring their bikes this time, instead opting to walk.

Simon has his camera strapped across his chest, and Harry has been staring at it for a while, watching as light reflects off of it in small glimmers.

"I brought it to take pictures." Simon offers, adjusting the strap on his shoulder.

Harry hums. "Pictures of what?"


Harry's heart skips at least three beats and warmth spreads through his chest. "For your project?" He asks, recalling what the elder had told him earlier this morning.

He feels Simon's hand slip into his, their fingers intertwining naturally. "Yeah."

Hand holding has always been a natural thing between them, so Harry doesn't really pay it any mind. "What's your project about?" He asks, swinging their hands between them.

Simon stops walking for a second, and Harry stops with him, looking at the elder. There's a rosy tint to the tip of his nose and his cheekbones, most likely from the chilly air, and Harry is sure his own face matches. He takes note that the elder's platinum blonde hair is set perfectly on top of his head in waves, catching the sunlight. He loves the way it looks right now.

"My project?" Simon echoes, looking past Harry and towards the river. "It's hard to explain. It'll be easier to tell you about it after it's finished."

Simon tightens his grip on Harry's hand and tugs him to a spot close to the river, before letting go. "Stand here." He says, and Harry listens, remaining in his spot.

Simon gets his camera and messes with a few of the settings. Harry knows nothing about cameras or photography, but he thinks he should research more about it. It's definitely something that makes Simon happy, and he thinks that if he learned, he'd be able to talk to Simon more about it.

Harry's gaze shifts from the camera to Simon's face. He looks concentrated, his lower lip jutted out slightly and his eyebrows furrowed. He looks cute like this, Harry thinks. He always does.

After a few more seconds, Simon looks back at Harry, his eyes glinting. "No need to pose or anything. Just look at me, okay?" He speaks softly, and Harry nods, tucking his hands into his pockets and rocking on his heels before stopping himself.

Normally when people ask to take pictures with Harry, or just pictures of him in general, he declines. He doesn't like them because they aren't personal, they're just trivial moments where he's posing or putting on a face and it's not him. He's not comfortable.

When it comes to Simon's pictures, however, things are different. He never asks Harry to do anything in particular, never asks him to pose or smile. Simon lets him do what he feels is right, and he appreciates that. Simon's photos come with sentiment, and everything about them just feels real.

Simon takes a few pictures before taking his camera away from his face. "Something doesn't feel right." He comments.

Harry raises an eyebrow. "What, do I look bad today?" He jokes, walking over and looking at the screen of Simon's camera.

"No, you look amazing. It just doesn't feel... natural, I guess?" Simon offers, running a hand through his hair and strapping his camera back over his shoulder.

"Should we retake them?" Harry asks, going back and forth on his heels again. The elder looks frustrated, and he huffs, messing with the strap of his camera.

"It's not the pictures themselves," Simon responds, making eye contact with Harry. "It's the circumstances behind them. Just forget about it, I'll figure it out."

Harry frowns, nudging Simon's arm gently. "If you need help, let me know, Si."

Simon nods, grabbing onto Harry's hand again and squeezing it. "Let's get something to eat, then head back. Unless you want to go somewhere?" He says, starting to walk towards where they usually get their food.

Harry follows. "I was thinking maybe we could visit Josh. Ethan might be there, too." Harry says, swinging their arms between them.

Simon smiles. "Sure."

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