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The two leave after around ten minutes, Harry making some excuse about needing to do homework. He's almost one hundred percent sure that everyone knew it was a lie.

Simon doesn't speak to Harry at first, instead choosing to go off and put his camera in his room. When he doesn't come back, Harry sees that his bedroom door is open, when it's normally closed. Simon having an open door always means that Harry should come in and talk, because it's welcome.

Simon doesn't even give Harry a chance to speak when he enters, because as soon as he does, Simon's words are in the air.

"I have to go to home tonight to see my family, and I'll be gone for a week. So you'll be here alone."

Harry takes a second to process the words, all of his thoughts coming to an abrupt stop. Simon doesn't say anything else.

Since they've been living together, neither of them has had to leave for a period of over a day. Normally they see each other at least once every 24 hours, and Harry has always been very grateful for that, because Simon has been an absolute blessing.

"Also," Simon adds, "My parents are forcing me to go. I really would love to stay here with you, because I hate those fuckers, but they said if I don't go they're gonna come here and get me themselves and I really don't want them to do that."

Harry blinks a few times. "Oh."

Simon tugs Harry towards him and pulls him into a hug, and the tension in Harry's shoulders releases just slightly.

"You know if you ever need me, just text, yeah?" Simon says, and Harry nods into his shoulder, hugging him tighter.

"When I'm gone, remember to take your meds too."

"I know."

"Make sure you eat a good breakfast every morning before going to class."

"I know."

"And when you wake up, make sure to-"

Harry pulls back, lightly slapping Simon's shoulder. "I can take care of myself, Si. You're starting to sound like Tobi. Have you been hanging out with them more?" Harry teases, and Simon just laughs, shaking his head.

The tension in the air decreases a bit, and Harry exhales slowly. Simon smiles at him. "I know you can take care of yourself. You're fully capable of everything, I know you are, but you deserve to relax. Everyone does."

"So, by that logic, you also need to relax, not take care of me all the time."

Simon just pats the top of Harry's head, and the younger can't help but lean into the small gesture. "Haz, who says taking care of you isn't something I enjoy doing? It's my own way of relaxing. I feel relaxed when I know that you're okay."

Harry's brain malfunctions for a moment, and his heartbeat rings loudly in his ears. Simon Minter should be illegal. Anything he says causes Harry's heart to race...

"I'm leaving at around eight tonight to catch the train." Simon speaks, disrupting Harry's thoughts, and he stares at the wall clock that reads 3:17pm. "And.. I have to pack for a week. We can have dinner together at six if you want." He suggests.

"Do you want help packing?" Harry asks, rolling on the balls of his feet.

Simon smiles but waves him off. "It's fine. Your folding technique is mediocre at best, no offense."

Harry just glares at him, and Simon laughs, that bright beautiful laugh that fills Harry's chest with warmth that spreads all the way down to his toes.

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