eleven .

346 8 2

Waking up the next morning to silence in the apartment is weird, and Harry doesn't like it.

He fumbles with his glasses, which he left on the nightstand the night prior, too hung up on Simon's departure to put them by his meds in the kitchen like he usually does.

It's even weirder when he walks into the living room and the couch is empty, Simon's favorite blanket slung over the back of the couch neatly. The television is off, and the place feels way too empty, too quiet.

Instead of ignoring his phone on the counter like he usually does, he picks it up and checks the notifications. He sees a few messages from Simon and opens them immediately.

simon:  morning haz :)

simon:  not sure when you'll be awake

simon:  but please make sure to take your meds and eat breakfast, alright?

simon: maybe hang out with tobi and see what they're doing? or josh and ethan

simon: lux would probably want to hang out too

simon: your class is at 1 today, right?

simon: i'll be back before you know it,

simon: promise ♡

The messages put an instant smile on Harry's face. Simon knows that Harry does best when he's around other people; being alone with his own thoughts scares him more often than not and he's grown up being somewhat dependent.

haz: morning si ♡

haz:  i'll probably eat breakfast with one of them

haz:  and yeah i have class at 1

haz:  also i never got a chance to ask

haz: why did you have to leave so suddenly? is there an emergency? is everyone okay?

Simon's answer is almost immediate.

simon: don't worry, haz

simon:  everyone is fine

simon: it's just that my grandma randomly came to my house for a surprise week long visit :/

simon:  you know how she is

simon:  and how my parents are

haz:  oh, right

haz: are your brothers there?

simon: cal isn't here, he's travelling right now

simon: chris is though, which is good cuz i'd be bored out of my mind without him lol

haz: that's good

haz:  tell him i said hi

simon:  i will

simon:  i actually gotta go now

simon: my mom is making us do a 'family bonding breakfast'

haz: ahhh alright

haz:  have... fun?

simon: lol

simon: text me whenever you need me, okay?

simon:  love you ♡

haz: love you too

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