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I used to love weddings before but today I don't like it much mainly for two reasons first I have to leave for my cousin's wedding tonight for which I haven't even packed yet and secondly wedding means gathering of all my relatives. Ugh sometimes it gets really frustrating when they starts asking me stupid and irrelevant questions. Well don't get me wrong I have amazing parents and two elder brothers who adores me so much. My father and my brothers are very protective of me and my mother is my best friend. With her I can talk about anything and she listens to all my stories. I love them a lot. Our family is very big. My father's sisters and brothers that is my three uncles and two aunts along with their children are very close to each other. I like the kind of bond shared by our family. We love each other a lot and we are always there for each other but it still irritates me sometimes.

Nathan Clark aka my dad is a business man. Tessa is my mother's name and she is a house wife. Steve is the oldest son followed my Nate. Then it's me Anna Clark. The youngest of all the siblings. I am 21 years old and lives in Newyork and works in a publication company along with me my one cousin Nora lives . She is 1 year younger than me and learning psychology and then there are our three nieces who are also our best friends. They are of same age but 3 years younger than me and we are friends since childhood. Their names are Ashley, Hayley and Selena.  Everyone in our family knows the depth of our friendship. Me and Nora  came to back to California to attend a wedding. My aunt Vanessa's youngest son Marcus is getting married and we are here for his wedding. Day after  tomorrow is the wedding and today we are going to aunt's house for a party. My aunt wants to organise a get together before the marriage and it's not a new thing in our family. We always have get togethers. So here I am getting ready for today. I wore off white dress and did my makeup. My black hairs are long and somewhat curly so straightened it first then tied into a pony tail. I wore the heels and went out of the room. Mom and dad are ready and waiting for me.

"Dad I am ready". I walked towards them.

"Finally". Mom sighed.

"Where is Steve and Nate"? I asked.

"They already went to your aunt's house". Dad said getting up from the couch. Me and mom followed him and got into the car. After 15 minutes we reached her house.

As soon as I entered I heard very loud noises. Everyone is here. All my uncles, their wives and my cousins with their families. Everyone is busy chatting and laughing. As we got inside I greeted them all.

"Oh my god! Look at my girl. Looking so beautiful". Aunt Sandra said.

"I completely agree. Our Anna has grown up into a beautiful woman". Marcus smiled at me.

"Thanks". I replied to them shyly.

"How are you doing Anna"? My other cousin Mason asked.

"I am good bro". I smiled.

"Anna. We are here". Hayley yelled from the other side of the living room.

Well my aunt's house is very big and spacious. I went towards her and saw my four best friends sitting near the window on the floor.

"Hey girls!" I sat in between Ashley and Nora.

"We were waiting for you. Why are you so late"? Selena asked.

"I overslept". I smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah almost everyone is here". Ashley said.

"Almost? I think I saw everyone in the living room". I said.

"Grandma's in-laws are yet to come". Hayley replied referring to aunt Vanessa's in-laws. After the uncles death I rarely saw them. To be honest I never actually saw them in years. As they are not related to me I am not friends with them.

"They are also invited"? Nora asked.

"Yeah. Dad suggested to invite them". Selena said.

"Grandma has invited her friend as well. Remember the one to whom our granddad refered as his sister". Hayley said.

"Who is she talking about"? I asked Selena

"She is talking about the Simth's". Selena replied.

Ashley is aunt Vanessa's daughter's daughter and Hayley and Selena are her Son's daughters. Different sons. And Nora is my other aunt's daughter.

"So Anna any boy in the picture"? Ashley asked.

"Just a crush". I laughed and they rolled their eyes.

"It's not a new thing babe. When will you find a boyfriend for yourself"? Selena asked.

"I can ask the same question to all of you". I replied.

"I want a boyfriend but I didn't find anyone yet". Hayley sighed.

"Don't worry girl you are so beautiful. You will find a man soon who will love you like us". Ashley said to her.

"Ewww. I don't want him to love me in sister way". Hayley made a face making us laugh.

"You know what I meant". Ashley laughed at her.

"We are meeting after such a long time". Nora said emotionally. We all nodded at her in agreement.

"I am going to get something to eat. Do you guys want something"? Selena asked getting up from the floor.

"Get whatever you want". Nora replied to her.

"I will come with you". I got up and went along with her. As we were walking towards the kitchen I saw the other guest have arrived. We went towards them and greeted them. When I turned to walk back I  saw someone walking in our direction as I turned my head to see who is he my heart skipped a beat just by the glance at the man infront of me. Aaron Smith is standing near his mother with whom I just met. I know him as I have seen him before but it was long back. His sharp nose and chiselled jaw.  His hairs are falling on his forehead. He is lean and tall. Beside me Selena greeted him I just stood their watching him. He is definitely a definition of handsome. Me and Selena went back to  girls but I was lost in the thoughts of the man present in the living room.

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