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All the excitement I felt yesterday is vanished when I stepped into office today. Until morning I was very happy with the thought of it but now I am anxious and afraid and all my thoughts are consumed by self doubt. Would I be able to do my job properly and prove my self worth their trust. I haven't doubted my abilities before but this project is huge responsibility and I don't want any mistakes to be made from my side. Well self doubt is not gonna help me so it's better if I give all my energy on doing my work rather than entertaining negative thoughts.

"Good morning my team. Welcome to your new office". Sean entered in room smiling brightly as usual followed by Joseph. Two teams have been assigned two different rooms for work. In each room six working stations have been made provided by all the things we need. 3 working stations are on the right side and three on the left leaving space in the middle. Two big white boards are on the one side and to the opposite of it a projector has been placed. I guess Our boss was preparing for this project from a long time. Everything is already organised for us we just have to start.

"Good morning everyone". Joseph said and placed his bag on the opposite side of our stations. Me and Brittany were first to arrive so we selected the left side stations and Ofcourse we will sit next to each other.  Martha, Joseph and Sean are situated opposite to us that means the photographer who is yet to arrive will be sitting beside my table.

"So is everyone here"? Sean asked.

"Yes except the photographer". Brittany replied.

"Oh. Katherine said she will meet the photographers first and assign them to our teams. Whoever it is will be here soon". Sean said.

"Till then what we gonna do"? Martha asked taking a sip from her coffee.

"I guess we have to wait because I want him or her to be present when we starts our discussion". Sean said.

"Yeah that's right. We will wait".  Joseph sat on his chair and started checking on his phone. I got up from my chair and went towards window. It's a nice day. Sunrays are falling on the glass making it glow. Street is busy as everyone is starting their day. I was so engrossed in watching the people and vehicles I didn't realised someone has entered the room. I turned around when I heard Sean calling my name. "Anna our photographer is here".

Shocked would be an understatement to say what I felt when my eyes landed on the person standing infront of me. I stared at him with wide eyes while he stared back with a curious expression.

"Aaron"? I swallowed.

"Hello Anna. Nice to meet you again". He said.

"You knew each other"? Martha asked.

"Yeah we are family friends". Aaron replied her.


"Anyways I will introduce myself properly again. Hello everyone I am Aaron Smith. New member and photographer of our team". Aaron smiled slightly at us.

"Welcome to our team Aaron. I hope you already talked about the project with Katherine". Sean said.

"Thanks Sean. And yes she told me about the magazines and I am excited to work with you all". Aaron said.

"That's great. Let's start our meeting then".  Sean said.

"We were waiting for your arrival". Joseph told Aaron.

"So everyone take your seats and we will start". Sean clapped his hands and walked towards the white board. I stood there unable to recover from my shock. I can't believe he is standing infront of me. Out of all the people in the world he has to be the photographer for our team. It seems a great joke of Universe right now.

"Anna"! Brittany shakes my shoulder bringing me back from my state.

"Yes"? I looked at her. She looked at me carefully and then she she looked at Aaron.
Her eyes went wide as if she understood the situation.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this! Is"? I stopped her in middle before she says anything infront of everyone.

"What you can't believe Brittany? And Anna why are covering her mouth"? Joseph asked. I looked around and saw everyone's attention is on us. I removed my hand.

"Umm nothing. I can't believe we are working with you guys. All three of you are so experienced compared to us".  Britt said smiling at him.

"Britt we know we are experienced but you and Anna are very talented and hard working. We have seen your work and that's why you are here. So don't think you are less from us and speak to us freely regarding everything". Sean said.

"Yes. You both should behave with us like friends not seniors". Martha said and Joseph nods in agreement.

"We will take our seats now".  I pushed Brittany gently at her table and warned her with my eyes. I sat at my seat and realised Aaron is sitting at his assigned station which is beside me. I groaned mentally at my situation. This got to be a dream. It's just a dream and he will go away as soon as I wake up.

"Ladies and gentlemen I welcome you all to our first meeting as a team. I hope we will do our best and publish a great magazine". We all started clapping.

"Ok fine stop now you guys are making me shy". We all laughed at his joke.

"Do anyone has any idea for the theme of this magazine? The house is open for all kinds of suggestions". He said sitting at the edge of the table infront of the board.

"It's not a regular magazine like fashion and all and Katherine already said that we need to say a story through it so it has to be unique". Martha said.

"How about a combination of two topics? Like art and science. How it helps people to grow and develop their life"? Joseph said.

"I really liked that idea. Combination of art and science will be amazing". I smiled agreeing with Joseph.

"That's a great idea Joseph but we need more ideas. So we can make it all together like portraying a message or a story". Sean said.

"First topic will be art and science then we can continue it with nature and psychology. What say"? I asked

"Nature and psychology. That is a superb combination girl"! Joseph grinned at me from the other side.

"I agree this topic will link perfectly with art and science". Martha smiled widely.

"What about sports and literature? Like how people are inspired by both the things. And how it plays an important role in people's life"? Aaron said. I turned my head in his direction. He is staring ahead at Sean.

"Woahhh. Are we talking about just magazines here? I mean this are amazing ideas". Martha laughed.

"Yes Martha. I am really amazed by them". Sean said.

"I guess we just need one more topic now". Joseph said.

"Can we conclude it by culture and society"? Brittany looked at us waiting for our reactions. Her idea is fantastic.

"I knew you are beauty with brains". Joseph smirks at her and she blushes in response.

"I think we have all the ideas". Sean smiled at her.

"So we are going to work on this four amazing topics". I said.

"So let's decide who is responsible for which topic after a short break. Till then I will submit the topics and our team members name to our boss". Saying this Sean left the office along with his tablet.

For the whole time I tried to control my heart and forced myslef not to look back at him but my efforts failed when I heard his voice calling my name.

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