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"It's already late. Should I drop you at your home"? Aaron's voice interrupted my thoughts. I was leaning on the window of his car and watching how the sky is changing its colour.

"Yeah. I'll show you directions". I said. Aaron stopped the car in front of my building after ten minutes drive.

"Wanna come up"? I opened the door.

"Not today. I have some work". He nodded at the backseat where he kept his camera.

"Next time then. Bye Aaron". I got out of the car.

"Bye Anna and take care". He said.

"You too". I smiled in response.

"Go in so that I can go". He said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow". I giggled and ran inside. As he said he left after I entered the building.

"Hi Sel". I saw selena sitting on the floor writing something in a notebook.

"Hey Anna. You are back". She looked up from her notebook smiling at me.

"Before you ask Nora is in her room. Ash and Hayley are on their way to home". She said.

"I was going to ask about your day". I said which is a half lie.

"No your first question whenever you enters is about us". She stated.

"Very well then I'll be back in 10 minutes. Tell Nora to order pizza for dinner". I went to my room to change my clothes.

When I came back from bathroom I saw there is a missed call from mom. I dialled her number and she picks up after third ring.

"Hello mom".

"Hi Anna. How are you"? She asked.

"I am fine mom. What about you and dad"?

"We are fine as well. Your dad is beside me ready to snatch my phone to speak with you". She complained.

"Then put it on speaker so that I can talk to you both". I laughed at them.

"I am switching it for video call". She said. I sat at my bed.

"Hi dad". I said as his face appeared on  screen.

"Hello my princess. You haven't talked to us since three days. I was worried about you". He said.

"Sorry for that. I am really very busy these days but don't worry I'll try to call you guys daily". I said.

"So Anna how is everything going on apart from your work"? Mom asked.

"Nothing much mom. You know same old routine". I replied.

"You are twenty one Anna for god sake find a boyfriend for yourself". Mom said.

"No need to rush princess. She is just  twenty one Tessa not thirty one. There is no hurry".  Dad said to me and then mom.

"You and your Son's are not going to let her have a boyfriend for the rest of her life". Mom huffed.

"Don't be over dramatic Tessa". Dad said to her.

"You three are over protective". She said in annoyance.

"We are not". Dad Crossed his arms and glared at her and mom copied his actions. I bite my lips to control my laugh.

"Let Anna decide". Dad said and returned his attention to phone.

"Dad mom is right about me getting a boyfriend and mom dad is also right about not rushing into these things and regarding their protectiveness it's just that they loves me a lot and don't want me to get hurt". I tried to manage the situation by taking both the sides but I agrees with mom. Dad and my brothers are over protective.

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