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It's been a month and I miss him everyday. Sometimes I feel so enraged at him for whatever he did to me and sometimes I am thankful to him. Atleast he came into my life and made my life so happier. Loving someone who doesn't love you is one thing but loving a person and thinks that person loves you back is a different thing. Because it breaks you like shit. At some point I thought he was going to love me back but I was wrong. He left me without even an explanation. Its not like my life stopped without him but its not the same not anymore. I am not the same girl I used to be. He changed me somehow and even I couldn't pin point it. But he did anyway. I learned how to fake my emotions and hide my feelings. Going through the day is not the problem. I have work and my friends who keeps my mind busy but nights are the hardest. All the emotions which you are avoiding for the day gets together and come all at once making it difficult to tolerate. Almost every night I cried myself to sleep at the start but anymore. Once in a while my eyes can't control it and I let myself to cry but I think even my eyes has given up now. For how long am I going to cry like this? It doesn't matter if my eyes shed tears or not. Because sometimes every thing inside us cries except our eyes. I closed my eyes and gave myself few seconds to control my emotions. I am with Brittany right now and I don't want her to get worried. My friends were damn supportive as usual but they were behaving very attentive towards me. I know they care about me but I don't want them to treat me like I might break into tears at any time. I am already broken which is a fact and I can't put my own burdens on their shoulders. Brittany wanted to try this new cafe for a long time and today we came out for lunch here as it is near our office as well.

"I was excited to come here but the food is not upto my expectations". Brittany muttered.

"It's good Britt". I liked my sandwich and coffee.

"Yeah maybe I am unable to enjoy it because of my mood". She said dryly.

"Will you tell me what's  wrong with you and Joseph? Why you were avoiding him"?

"I was avoiding him because he ignored me yesterday". I gave her a look and she started explaining.

"I know I am being childish right now. Yesterday I went to a house warming party at his brothers house. He met his old friends there including women. I got jealous and we fought to way back home. And rest you have seen".

"So you are ignoring him for that ? Do you even know how stupid you sounds right now"?

"I know Anna and I am gonna apologise to him. I am just teasing him more before doing that". She replied

"You better do it quickly. Not just Joseph you too are miserable because of this ignorance game you are playing". I checked my phone and saw our lunch time is almost over.

"I think we should get going now". I said.

"Yeah. Let me pay the bill first". She called waiter for the bill and paid for our food. We walked to our office and she talked nonstop giving every detail of yesterday's party. As we reached our office Joseph was already waiting for her at her desk.

"Hi Anna". He smiles.

"Hey Joseph". I smiled back at him as I took my seat.

"Babe can we talk"? She asked Britt.

"I am busy right now". She tries to stiffle her smile.

"Come on Britt just go and talk to him and Joseph she was being irritated with every single thing since morning because she didn't kissed you yet". Joseph looked at me with surprise which soon turns into a smirk.

"It's not like that". Brittany blushes.

"So can we talk"? Joseph asked again.

"Sure and I will not spare you when I come back". She glared at me and walked out with Joseph. I opened my computer and resumed my work. After sometime Brittany came back and gave me knowing smile. I am glad she sought everything out with Joseph even though its was silly argument. Sometimes these silly arguments creates big misunderstandings. So it's better to talk rather than shutting the person out. Rest of the day went quickly as I got busy with work. When I came back to home I saw girls are getting ready.

"Where are you all going"? I asked Selena who is standing in the living room and trying two different shoes. She is dressed in a light blue off shoulder dress. She has done makeup as well and tied her long hairs into a pony tail. She is looking very pretty.

"Nice timing Anna. Tell me this or this"? She asked pointing at her legs. She is wearing black pumps in her right leg and silver strap heels in left.

"Left". I said.

"I am ready and Michael is on the way to pick me up". Nora emerged from her room. She is looking beautiful in her golden crop top and black leather pants. Her hairs are down and she has done smokey eyes.

"Wow Nora. You and Sel both are looking really beautiful but where are you going"? I asked.

"Don't tell me you forgot".Selena asked.

"Umm.. what"? I asked again as I am unable to remember.

"It's Simons birthday today". Selena reminded me. How can I forget that. I didn't even texted him a happy birthday.

"Shit! I forgot to wish him"!

"That's okay. Simon won't mind that but you have to attend the party first to wish him so go and get ready". Nora said.


"No buts Anna. Hayley would get upset and you haven't been to any party or outing since last month so better go and get ready fast". Selena looks at me.

"Ok fine". I muttered and walked to my room. I choose a black colour dress. I did a little makeup and straightened my hairs. I wore some accessories and last my silver pumps. I pull out my phone from charger and check the time its seven thirty now which means I took almost half an hour to get ready. As I walked out I saw Selena and Ashley are sitting on the couch in living room. Nora is nowhere which means she probably left with Michael. Ashley is wearing a maroon coloured knee length dress. She has curled her hairs and did a lite makeup as usual.

"Where is Hayley and Nora"? I asked anyway.

"Hayley is already at Simons home and Nora left fifteen minutes ago". Selena informed.

"You are looking so beautiful Anna". Ashley smiles.

"You too Ash". I returned her smile.

"I am sure Anna is going to make men swoon tonight". Selena giggles.

"Stop Sel. See yourself first. I am sure Kevin won't leave your side even for a second".

"That's the exact plan". Selena winked. And we laughed at her.

"What about Mark? Isn't he coming"? I asked Ashley.

"He has some work now. He said he will join there directly". Ashley replied.

"Why we are going so early"? I asked.

"Hayley doesn't like Simon's friends and she wants us there ASAP". Ashley replied.

"We should go then". I said as I grabbed my sling bag.

"Who is driving"? Selena asked and we walked to the elevator.

"Ashley". I smiles at Ash and she took car keys from Selena's hands. We reached our car and I sat in the back while Sel and Ash took the front seats.

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