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"yoon gimme kiss before you go."

yoongi: i knowww.

he squeezes my waist kissing me softly before picking ophelia up and kissing all over her face

yoongi: dada gotta go work. mamas gonna call when it's bedtime and we'll say night nights okay?

ophelia: adaaaa.

yoongi: mhm.

he kisses her head softly before grabbing his bag and containers of food i made him and he leaves so i lay on the couch and call taehyung

taehyung: hey mymy, what's up?

"are you busy?"

taehyung: about to walk into an appointment and give some shit news, why?

"i'm lonely and bored. phe phe will nap soon and yoon went to work."

taehyung: call jk. he should be home. he's a freelance photographer so he's definetly free, he refuses to lose his wednesdays.

"okay. sorry that you have to give bad news."

taehyung: oh it's not like life threatening. i just have to say a child is carrying a child cause she decided to be a thot.

"tae! you can't say that!"

taehyung: i had to ask her how many people she's slept with and she confidently said a 2 digit number. that's a thot if i've seen one.

"you're mean."

taehyung: sure. kiss the baby for me, bye.

"bye. love you."

taehyung: love you.

he hangs up and i call jk and he answer immediately

jungkook: hi, you okay?

"yea, just bored and lonely. ophelia will sleep soon and yoon went to work."

jungkook: i'll come over, what do you wanna do.

"i'm gonna braid my hair. i really just want company though."

jungkook: i'll be there soon.


jungkook: of course. love you

"love you too."

i hang up and go to grab a few packs of hair, as well as my blow dryer and comb.
i've got my hair blown out and mostly sectioned but ophelia fell asleep so i put her up in her crib with holly

jungkook: mya i'm here!


i go back downstairs hugging him quickly before sitting back down on the floor and motioning for him to join me.

jungkook: this looks like a shit load of work.


jungkook: is there any way i can help?

"uhhhh.....hand me the comb when i ask."

jungkook: got it. can we play music?


i get up grabbing yoongis speaker for him and i start on my hair once i sit back down.

"how's it been with tae?"

jungkook: pretty awkward. but we're both trying. so i'd say good.

"that's good...have you guys...you know."

jungkook: not yet. i want to though. he's so...just wow.

"you should."

jungkook: maybe. you gonna put color in your hair?

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