Chapter 1: The Dress

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"Wha-what? What?" He spluttered, immediately flushing at being caught gawking.

"I take it you like the dress then?" You joked with a friendly wink, his blush deepens earning snorts and chuckles from the rest of the group, he promptly buried is face in his script. You had been in the wardrobe trailer for the last two hours with half of the cast trying on some specific pieces for the new Agents of SHIELD episode.

With an undercover storyline coming up, your character was going to a charity dinner, which required a killer evening gown. Judging by Iain's reaction, you're thinking the wardrobe team nailed it. You take a few extra moments, twisting and turning, watching the Sapphire silk ripple and wave, but you know it's time to change back into your boring street clothes. You rejoin the group after changing and hear Anna, the head of the department, call in the next victim, "Okay, Clark, you're up." You take a seat between Chloe and Iain, the latter tossing a meaningful look in your direction.

"What? Is it my fault you were drooling all over your script?" You tease,

"Yeah, maybe more than just a little bit." He chuckled. His eyes wandered again, obviously still envisioning the plunging neckline of your gown.

"Hey, Romeo, my eyes are up here." You yelp, tipping his chin up for him. "Good thing we aren't in that scene together, we may never get through it."

"Oi, now, I resent that! I'm a very professional... Professional. I could concentrate if I had to." He was stuttering, trying, with obvious effort, not to picture you in that dress again.

"So you didn't like the dress then?" Chloe interjected,

"Nope. I mean I never said that- I mean- it's a very flattering-" you just can't help it anymore and start giggling. "Well now that's just not nice." He sighs.

"Maybe not, but it's funny."

Your banter is put on hold when you hear Elizabeth hoot a mock cat-call. Clark struts out of the dressing room, looking extra dapper in a tux, and all the ladies in the room, and even Brett and Iain, whistle and cheer for him. He strikes a few poses, modeling his new threads like a pro and struts back into the dressing room.

You an Chloe continue your giggling, spouting inside jokes and letting the teasing drop. Clark re-emerges in his usual jeans and sneakers,

"Okay, folks. Ready to get going? I know I'm starving" he says, herding the group to the door. Iain holds the door for everyone, you walk out last, with him close behind. You suddenly feel a warm hand in the small of your back and almost stop where you are. You turn and look at Iain.

"What?" He asks innocently, his hand unmoving as a tell-tale flush creeps over his cheeks. You shrug at him, but find you're smirking to yourself as you turn back to the others, making sure not to get ahead of him. You find yourself really looking forward to dinner.

The Dress - an Iain de Caestecker FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now