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"Addy, come on now, you know you won't get to come with us if you don't cooperate." You chase after your daughter trying to get her to calm down and get ready to go,

"Come out from under the bed Brendan. If you and your sister listen to us you can be backstage durin' the interviews. We might even let you come out to say hi to everyone. But you have to come out and get dressed first." Iain was trying to coax your son into getting ready to leave for your first big comic con panel. There had been a SHIELD panel before, but you hadn't been invited to the SDCC panel until this year. So far it was looking like Angie and Nicky were going to have to babysit the twin terrors.

Yes. Twins. The news had come as a shock to both of you, but the rest of the family loved the news, Iain's mother actually couldn't hold in her laughter when she found out her son would have to wrangle twins, just like she had. But they all offered as much help as they were able, most of which came from your in-laws, considering distance. Poor Iain had to put up with the worst version of you the either of you had ever seen. Typical pregnancy mood swings coupled with illogical cravings, half of which involved junky foods you couldn't get in Scotland. But even through all of it, the sudden snippy comments, losing sleep for midnight cravings, shouldering the errands you used to cover while continuing to work, he would still pull you backwards into a hug, as you stare out the window at the drizzly Scottish landscape, and remind you how much he loves you. How much he's looking forward to the beginning of this family. You could always hear a heart-melting pride in his voice that made you sure he meant it.

When the SHIELD family got the news about the twins, Chloe and Elizabeth were ecstatic that they could both be godmothers, now. There was a minor, near-civil-war when they heard you were pregnant, but this seemed to calm it down for good.

Each member had pitched in with watching the kiddos as they grew up behind the scenes on set, it allowed you to work without them being even close to neglected. And they were unbelievably well behaved, perfectly content to play with Legos or sit in a corner, coloring until you came to collect them.

Now the kids are three years old and you're trying so hard to get them to cooperate just so you can get to the panel on time, but they are quick, sneaky, and small enough to fit into places where you can't go in and grab them, under the bed, for instance, was Brendan's favorite spot. Adelaide preferred hiding in the shower. She takes after you a little more than you'd like. But at least it was easy to get to.

"Gotcha!" You scoop up your daughter who immediately starts fussing. "Do you want to see aunt Lizzy? And aunt Chloe?"

"Yes." She whines

"Are you going to listen?"

"No." Still whining and trying to squirm out of your arms,

"Addy, what's wrong, why don't you want to listen?" You're trying to reason with a cranky three-year-old. You must be sleep deprived.

"Nooooo." She stops squirming and starts crying. You look at your watch. 2pm. Nap time. No wonder. Instead of reasoning with her you pull her close and start humming "A Tisket, a Tasket" While rocking her back and forth, bouncing a little as you pace the hotel room. She fights you for a little while longer before she just can't anymore, and rubs her eyes and almost grudgingly snuggles into you, falling asleep.

"Why was I so careless, with that basket of mine, that itty bitty basket was a joy of mine..." You sing as you twirl slightly, suddenly catching sight of Iain, holding Brendan, who is finally dressed, though he insists on keeping his iron man helmet on. Iain is giving you that look again, trying to hide his smile, though you can't tell if he's laughing at you or with you this time. Whenever Iain holds Brendan, you're struck but just how much he looks like his daddy. Crazy curly hair, same face-shape, but your eyes. Addy got your nose, hair, and smile. But all the rest of her looks were from Iain. They were both so beautiful.

"We can say hi to the people. Mama." Brendan says, pulling you from your thoughts, "Papa said yes." You look at Iain with a raised eyebrow, you can't exactly say no now, can you? Iain at least has the grace to blush about the executive decision, he shrugs,

"Maybe it'll scare them enough they won't want to be out there next time?" You just shake your head.

After getting Addy ready as best you could with her sleeping, you tote the little ones to the convention. Using a back door, you manage to get to the green room without Addy waking from the noise, then you leave the twins with your sisters and head out to the panel. But not before promising Brendan that you'll come back for him when it's time for them to say hello.




This was one of the best panels you'd been on. Fans were getting very creative and cerebral with their questions, really making their limited time count.

A young girl, about 16, dressed as Raina steps up to the mic, "Okay, I have a question for Y/N, although I'm not sure you can answer it. Now, there have been whispers online about you leaving the show to take care of your family, which has sparked speculation that your character will be killed off. Since I know you probably can't say if that last part is true or not, I want to ask you instead, what you would think if that was what was coming up in the next season?" Some gasps and groans roll through the audience as you think through your answer.

You think about what the project has meant to you, the friends you've made that have acted as your family. You met your husband on set, he brought you into his wonderful family and showed you what love and acceptance was. You think of your two little ones backstage, your mending family ties. None of this would have happened without the experiences and people that you've met during the course of this project.

"This role has completely changed my life. Slowly, but totally. I mean, I have a true family; when I started this, I was essentially alone, and I thought I liked that. I am immensely proud of the work I've gotten to do with this cast and crew, and I will always look back on it fondly." You pause, hearing gasps, a few whispered 'oh, no's, it was true, wasn't it? Your were leaving?

"But." You cut in, "I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon." You wink, Iain takes your hand under the table, you chuckle at the collective sigh of relief.

"Speaking of your kiddos." The next person says, "is there any possible way we could get you to at least show us a picture?" the cheers are deafening, and you and Iain share a look. Looks like it's time. You text Nicky and Angie to go ahead and bring them out. Meanwhile, you are trying to convince the audience to stay quiet so the noise won't scare them. They seem to be complying, and when the twins are led out to the stage, there are only a few quick yelps from folks who could hardly contain themselves.

Addy and Brendan are walked over to you, Iain takes Addy, lifting her up onto the table, where she sees the huge crowd,

"Wave hello Addy, they wanted to say hi to you." She waves shyly, then reaches for her daddy. The crowd 'aw's, but stays relatively quiet,

"Okay, Brendan, you wanted to say hi, there you go." You put him on the table as well, showing him the mic so he could talk to the crowd,

He leans close to it and nearly yells,

"I am Ironman!" And at that, the crowd roars again, laughing and cheering. Oh, Brendan, the born performer. Addy is ready to go back to her aunts and color some more; she has cuddled up to Iain, plugging her ears against the startling sounds while her brother was yelling along with the crowd. You pass them both off to your sisters and go back to the panel.

On the car ride home after the convention, the kids were asleep in their cars seats and you were riding along, holding Iain's hand, the radio playing softly in the background. You see how far you've come in the past few years and you feel excitement bubbling up, thinking about where you're headed. Not just to your house. But home. Your own home. With your own family.


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