Chapter 10: Back to One

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It's been two years since the breakup, and you and Iain have settled into a comfortable friendship. You've helped each other through tough days when exhaustion was getting the upper hand, you've pressed each other's buttons like siblings and laughed like you used to. Things were good. 

Today on set there was a stunt planned that was not unlike the ones you had been doing for the past six months, lots of wire work, being thrown into walls, falling to the ground. This one included a small explosion, and you were going on take 5. After hitting the wall so many times, you were really starting to get stiff and your head was starting to ache from being whipped around. The down time you had while they were resetting wasn't helping. 

"Alright, let's hope this is the last time. Places everyone." Your director tells, everyone is getting tired, everyone is getting sore, either from the stunt or the clean up. 

You take a breath, try to look natural, instead of like you were bracing yourself for flight.


"So that the car bomb was a fake? Why would someone fake a bomb?"

"Distraction." 'May' says,

"But from what?"

'Fitz' straightens up suddenly and 'Simmons' looks at him wide-eyed, as she comes to the same realization.

"To get us off the bus." They say in unison. Everyone starts to run toward the door right as the explosion goes off, you turn just a little bit late. You missed your mark, so when you go flying, you spin around and it throws you off course just enough.

You feel a shooting pain down your back and everything goes black.




As fun as it was to fly through the air like that, the landing was anything but graceful and there were groans all around as everyone tried to recover yet again,

"Whoa! You okay there, Y/N?" Henry calls, seeing that you aren't getting up. Everyone pauses when you don't answer, "Hey, you still with us?" 

He jokes, crawling the few feet over to check on you, waving frantically for the medics when he sees you're unconscious. 

Most of the cast is frozen, partly in worried confusion, partly in hopeful disbelief, but Iain crosses the room in just a few paces and is by your side, hand on your cheek.

"Y/N, open your eyes. Come on, look at me." His voice wavers slightly with worry, he runs his fingers through your hair until he's pushed aside gently by the EMTs,

"Please step back, we need to take a look." Henry pulls him back. 

Iain stands, shifting from foot to foot. He starts wringing his hands when he notices they're wet. He looks down at the blood spread over his right hand and grabs hold of Henry's shoulder, getting his attention. Iain holds up his hand, his face going deathly pale. Chloe, who's made her way to Iain's side gasps when she sees the blood, and Henry stiffens, his anxiety doubled. 

They all look down at you, Henry keeping his hand on Iain's shoulder to keep him from getting underfoot. He knows the only thing Iain wants is to hold you and make sure you're alright, but none of you can know that until the EMTs are finished.

They thoroughly check your neck and back before putting a brace on you and check your head. One EMT shines a light in your eyes as the other assesses the damage at the back. 

"She's waking up," you hear one of them say as your eyes flutter open slightly, unevenly. Where were you?

"Iain?" Your voice barely audible, you try to bat away the hands painfully prodding your head and the piercing light that's shining in your eyes, "Iain..." You start crying, though you aren't sure why. You're scared, the room is spinning, your stomach is knotted painfully, and crying is just making your head hurt even more. 

"I'm right here, what do you need?" He says with a sniff. Why has he been crying? What happened? You reach your hand out to him.

"Iain. What—"

"You're gonna be okay, sweetheart. Just an accident." He grasps your hand with both hands like he's afraid you'll slip away,

"Was I driving? Are you okay?"

"Not a car accident. You're on set. You hit your head on the wall. They're getting you fixed up and you'll be getting better in no time."

You try to understand,

"Set? What set?" You try to look around but you can't turn your head for the brace. 

"I need you to stay still, we're trying to make sure you don't get hurt further, okay?" The EMT puts her hand on your shoulder, speaks gently,

"Iain... My head."

"Yeah," he chuckles lightly, trying to make you feel at ease "you got quite the bump, didn't you?" that wasn't it,

"No, my head... It feels funny—" your eyes roll back in your head and your hand grips his even tighter, your whole body goes rigid and begins jerking as the seizure takes you all by surprise,

"Y/N! What's happening to her?" 

"Please step back." B.J. Is by Iain's side, pulling him back just enough to be out of the way. The commotion frightening and sobering, the EMTs barks orders at each other as they try to stabilize you.

"Let them take care of her, man. They know what they're doing." He speaks around a lump in his throat, trying as much to convince himself that you'll be alright. 

"No, come on, work with me, girl." One of the medics says to you. "She's stopped breathing... And I can't get a pulse. I need a defibrillator!" He yells as he starts CPR.

Elizabeth can't help it anymore and starts crying, she comes to Iain, wrapping him in a hug and hides her face by his neck,

"Don't worry Lizzy, she'll be fine." He whispers, wishing he could believe it. "She's stubborn as a mule. She'll be fine."

His tears fall against his will, he turns away, hugging Elizabeth, he can't watch you like this when he knows he can't do anything. All the while hearing the events behind him. He hears the charge. The shock. The EMTs counting compressions. "Clear!" "Charging... Clear! Charging..."

"Wait!" He spins around at the unexpected command. The medic has two fingers on your neck, "She's back. Let's get her to the hospital."

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