Chapter 17: Best Laid Plans

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You sigh, dropping the bridal magazine you're looking at, trading it instead, for your script. Even when you take a break, you're not really taking a break. You were getting ready for the filming of the Agents of SHIELD season finale, three weeks after which was the wedding, putting the date at December 12th. 

"Hey, take it easy Turbo. You've still got time. The only thing you're missing is the dress." Nicky offers you a beer, trying to get you to relax.

"I'm just afraid I'm going to forget something, it's hard to keep track of it all, I mean the food, the venue, the guests, the colors, the invitations, who all has RSVP'd, the reception..." The more you list, the more you wonder if you really are forgetting something. 

"Honestly, you've had so many people helping you with this, there is really nothing to worry about. And that's probably why you think you're forgetting something. It's covered." She nudges your shoulder as she sits at the other end of the couch. "Can I ask you something? I mean, it's kind of late in coming, but I want to know. Why do you want to marry my brother?" You almost chuckle, thinking she's joking, but then you catch her look. "It's just that from what I've heard, you weren't too keen on the idea before. What changed?" You think for a second, trying to pinpoint the moment of your change of heart. You smile softly. 

"When you showed up to help me, and the three of us finished off almost every day with a movie night, I realized that my personal view on family was a little... Skewed. My family life was severely lacking when I was growing up, and my friends' situations weren't much better. I didn't know families could really be happy. The closest thing we ever got to that was when we faked it around the holidays, and that almost always ended in an argument. But seeing what kind of family he comes from, seeing how you interact, how patient he's been with me, how he treats you, seeing what a truly good man he is, I felt like there was actually a chance that we could be happy." She stays silent, looking like she's assessing your answer before nodding, her eyes brightening with a smile. 

"Just checking." She says, picking up your magazine. "Got time tomorrow for dress shopping?"




The whole day proved to be a headache, you'd gone to three different stores and couldn't find anything that felt right. You were operating on the assumption that when you found your dress, you would know, you would put it on and think, "this is it." were you being ridiculous? Was the decision more complex than that? So for now you were taking a much needed break, fighting a headache, sitting outside a cafe with Nicky.

"Well, mission attempt number three. Failed. Guess we can try again online?" She offers,

"There's no way to know either if it will fit right, or if it will get here in time." You rub your forehead and pinch your nose, trying to alleviate the pressure. 

"We still have three weeks to find you an amazing dress. And we will."

"I have to go back to work tomorrow. And it's going to be a long week." You sigh, this week was the filming of the season finale, and the deadline for the crew was creeping up on them, so they were a little rushed.

"I don't work, I'm at your service this week. I'll go out and scope out some dresses, see if there are any hopefuls. We won't have to deal with a day like this again." 

"Wow. You don't have to do that, Nick. That's a lot to ask..."

"So? I'm the only one available right now. It's no problem." You smile gratefully, 

"I also needed to ask you something." You start, "You have been unbelievably helpful in this. Made the whole process seem bearable. So, I wanted to ask you if you were interested in officially being my maid of honor." She drops the scone she was munching and looks at you wide-eyed. 

"Are you bein' serious right now?" She asks,

"Uh, yeah..." You're almost confused until she jumps up squealing and hugs you. 

"I'd love to!" You laugh, hugging her back, "I'm definitely going dress searching now. Oh! And the bachelorette party!"

"Whoa, now, please don't do something crazy." You plead, afraid of what she may think up. While it may be fun, you had a distinct feeling you would regret it.

"Oh, sure, nothing too big." She winks. Oh dear. "In the meantime, let's call it a day. You wanna run your lines?"

Once the two of you get back to the apartment, Nicky spends the rest of the evening running lines with you, even sometimes trying to act the scene out with you. You could tell she was plotting something for the party, but three weeks later when you would look back on this evening, you never would have guessed what she was envisioning.

The Dress - an Iain de Caestecker FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now