Chapter 2: Dinner

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Dinner was as amusing as ever, with inside jokes being thrown around the table, playful trash talk earning groans and chuckles, And storytelling of stunt work complete with scar and injury comparisons.

"Honestly, the only reason I would want to do any of my own stunts would be for the killer body that comes with the territory." Elizabeth admits with a gesture to Nick and B.J.

"Speaking of killer bodies," B.J. Pipes up, "that dress they gave you for the new episode, I'm told you're kind of a knock out in it, Y/N."

"Oh, really, now? And who told you that?" You look around the table for the guilty party, before Chloe reluctantly raises her hand,

"Okay, okay. I did." She said as she started scrolling through her phone. "But you're acting like there is something to be embarrassed about." She passes her phone to B.J. who's eyes immediately widen and he whistles, "geez, girl, where have you been hiding this look?" He asks, a little too loud.

"Oh, I want to see." Elizabeth chirps,

"No, no, no, come on!" You splutter, grabbing at the phone,

"Wowza, you look phenomenal!"

"Come on, guys, that's enough." You make to grab at the phone again as it's tossed across the table to Nick and Ming.

"Alright, break it up folks." Iain calls snatching the phone and pocketing it, before taking his seat next to you. he had just been walking back from the restroom when he saw what was happening. Perfect timing.

"Ha ha, very funny, now give me back my phone." Chloe says. Iain takes the phone out, fiddling with it a bit before tossing it back, just in time for her to catch the "photo deleted" notification. "Hey! I liked that picture. The angle was so cool, and the lighting-" she said

"Yeah, yeah. You should have thought of that before." He replied with a shrug. While everyone knows he's half joking, he's also very serious in his defense for you.

"Oh, Iain, my hero." You sigh melodramatically, laying your head on his shoulder in a mock swoon. The group snorts and chuckles at the two of you and the conversations resume. You miss the look Chloe gives Iain when she sees that he texted himself the photo before deleting it.

After dinner, Iain walks you and Elizabeth to the hotel room you're sharing, down the hall from Chloe, a only floor away from him. You all say your good nights and Elizabeth goes inside, but Iain catches your arm, getting your attention,

"What's up?" He flounders for a moment, opening his mouth to speak, then thinking better of it, "Iain, It's getting late and we all have to wake up at an ungodly hour tomorrow." You say. He cracks a smile, but looks a little nervous.

"I just have a quick question..." He shifts on his feet and looks around the hall, stuffing his hands in his pockets,

"Is it a question you'll ask sometime tonight?" You tease. You must admit, it's pretty adorable when he gets flustered.

"Would you maybe- possibly- be interested in- would you like to get a cup of tea- coffee- a drink with me? Not tonight, obviously. Maybe, I was thinking Friday, if you're not busy, that is. If you are-"



"I'd love to." You smile, kissing him on the cheek and saying goodnight.

He can't hold back the smile, or the relieved sigh; you do your best to keep your composure until you are safely closed inside your room.

While you both have trouble actually falling asleep, when rest finally comes, you can't stop smiling.

The Dress - an Iain de Caestecker FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now