Chapter 15: The Last Night

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Iain was surprisingly civil for the remainder of the day. Successfully keeping any tension from coming across on camera. But once the day was done, he discreetly excused himself, heading back to his own apartment. 

You catch Elizabeth just before she leaves,

"Lizzy, I need your help."




You needed to talk to him. Just one more conversation, that's all you need. But you knew he wouldn't meet you, at least not right now, and you needed to get this done before you convinced yourself otherwise. 

"He's on his way. Should I stay?"

Elizabeth says after she hangs up her phone. It's the next evening, and you've commandeered Elizabeth's living room, 

"Maybe, to let him in... Ya know, so he actually comes in."

"I don't think he's as angry as you think-"

"I hurt him. I was upset, stressed... And horrible. I wouldn't want to see me either."

You try to keep Lizzy talking so you don't have to think about what you're about to do. You know it won't be easy. She seems to understand and chats with you about how good it is to have you back on set, filled you in on anything you managed to miss, and tried to joke around a little bit. 

You jump when there's a knock at the door. Apparently the conversation did nothing to eradicate the butterflies. You take a breath. Here it goes.

"Hey Lizzy, what did you need to see me about?" He asks as he comes through the door, but he stops short when he sees you.

"Just talk to her." Elizabeth whispers close to his ear, closing the door and excusing herself to her room.

He stands in the entryway. Apparently trying to look anywhere but at you.

"There isn't much I have to say—"

"I really didn't think there was anything else you could say about this." 

"Iain, please, I have to say this." You walk over to look him in the eye and you take a calming breath. "I know I've forgotten a lot of things lately, but I do remember our last conversation about us. I know I said I wanted us to stay friends, but I also know that you are a good man, and you deserve so much more than that. So I can't do this to you." He starts slightly,

"Wait, no." He steps toward you, "don't do this." You feel your eyes well up,

"But it's not fair to you—"

"No, just because we hit a bump or have an argument doesn't mean this won't work." He takes your hands, eyes pleading and shining with unshed tears,

"No, Iain. This is it."

"No, please don't."

You plant a kiss on his cheek, then drop to one knee.

"Iain, will you marry me?"

To be continued...

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