Chapter 21: Just a Short Walk

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Just breathe. Just breathe. Just breathe. You can do this. Just a little walk, say yes when they ask, then you're done. It's okay.

Your stomach hadn't calmed down since you woke up this morning. Three hours earlier than you had meant. This was it. Today you marry the best man you've ever met and gain a family better than any you could have dreamed.

"Agh, you're gorgeous. The dress is absolutely perfect." Nicky says, stepping back to survey her handiwork. Chloe and Lizzy are also present, one taking pictures, the other helping with your hair. You are about to have Nicky help fit your veil when you see someone behind you in the mirror,

"Angie!" She's smiling proudly, "You made it!" You reach out and hug her.

"Wow, Y/N, this dress is amazing." You blush lightly, well aware of how well the dress hugs you, with all flattering lines and accents, not to mention you feel fantastic in it.

"Hey, Angie, would you like to..." Nicky asks gesturing for Angie to take the veil. She looks like she's just remembered something,

"Actually, there is someone here who may be better suited for that," she steps out momentarily, coming back tugging on a woman's hand. "If it's alright with you, Y/N." She finishes, your mother stares at you, her hand going to her heart and mouth agape, like she just can't find the words to tell you how proud she is.

"Mom?" You ask in disbelief. "You're here."

"Of course I am, sweetheart. As soon as Angie told me you wanted us here I dropped everything. I wouldn't have missed this for the world." She was wearing her nicest skirt and a somewhat new blouse, obviously she hadn't had time to go buy something new and from the looks of it, she likely wouldn't have had the money, but you could tell she had done her best.

You just put on your make up. You don't have time to fix it. Calm down.

She reaches out to you, unsure you'll accept a hug, and you debate momentarily until Nicky snaps you out of it, pushing you forward. You let yourself fall into your mother's hug, sighing. Some things still hurt. You weren't sure how long it would take for them to heal, if ever, but for the first time in your life you felt like your family could actually be a family again. You don't cry. You don't speak. You're so happy, all you can do is smile.

"So then, turbo. Last touch." Nicky passes the veil to your mother,

"Turbo?" Angie asks, obviously amused at the nickname, you chuckle a little nervously,

"A long story... Maybe later." And there actually will be a later, your mother silently asks your permission to fit your veil, still being cautious, not wanting to overstep any unspoken bounds. You turn, crouching a little so she could reach properly, she clips the lacy veil in place and lets her hands fall to your shoulders, looking at you in the mirror,

"You're so beautiful. I can't wait to meet him." She gets choked up and is about to excuse herself when the wedding coordinator shows up to let you know to take your places for the ceremony, then she leads your mother and sister to their seats at the front of the sanctuary.

"Alright. Showtime, ladies." Chloe says as she, Elizabeth, and Nicky grab their bouquets and help you out to the foyer. You must have looked like a deer in the headlights because Alan pats your arm. You look up at him,

"Don't over think it. Just a short walk and you'll be standin' with him. From there it's easy peasy..."

"Lemon squeezy." You smile and take a calming breath. Your nerves dissolve into excitement as the doors open, you hear the music start, Chloe and Brendan, Iain's best friend, walk down the aisle. Elizabeth and Colin, another of Iain's old friends, follow closely, then Nicky and Brett. It's your turn. Your processional music starts.

A Thousand Years.

"Time to take a step, love." Alan says, urging you forward. You will your feet to work, leaning on Alan to keep from tripping, or fainting, which seems more likely at the moment.

You're walking, the only thing you hear is your pulse, pounding in your ears. The faces around you are a blur, the arm you're clinging to suddenly feeling insubstantial. This feels like a dream. Are you dreaming? Have you not woken up yet? You hold Alan's arm tighter, or at least you think you do. Your fingers have gone numb and you almost drop your bouquet.

Then you see it. You see him.

Even after several years of dating, breaking up, laughing, arguing, pranking each other, and breaking his heart, he still looks at you like that, like the day you wore that dress.

THE dress.

He still looks at you like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, like you're the only woman in the world. Like he can't even express how much he loves you.

Your feet are on solid ground again. Your head is clear. Your heart is full.

You say 'I do'.

The kiss takes the air out of you, leaving you lightheaded and smiling like a loon.

You hear applause and cheering, another song plays, but you don't hear it.

You grasp his hand and run, down the aisle, through the foyer, down the steps. Giggling all the way. You did it.

You're married. To Iain. To your best friend.

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