Chapter 18: Rude Awakening

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You wake with a start to someone bursting into your room, "IfounditIfounditIfoundit! I found it! I found it! I found it!" Nicky is squealing as she tugs your arm. "We have to go, now. You're going to love it!"
"Nicky, I was sleeping!" You whine, "What is so important that you thought it would be a good idea to wake me?" half asleep and grumpy from the rude awakening, your words come out more snippy than you really intended.
"Oh grow up, Sleepin Beauty. I found your dress." You burrow back under your pillow, having wrenched your arm from her hands,
"What dress?"
"THE dress. Just come with me." Despite your exhaustion you let her haul you out of bed, but your mood stays sour for most of the car ride. You get dragged into another dress shop that looked just like all the rest, your clothes probably not exactly matching and your hair barely presentable. She makes a bee line for the back of the store, pushing you into a dressing room on the way. Less than a minute later, she's knocking on the door and you open to find her with one of the store attendants on her heels, holding a bundle of white fabric. You rub your bleary eyes, trying to get yourself to wake up a bit and pay attention, and can't hold back the gasp.
From the lace sleeves to the length of the train, it was exactly what you didn't realize you were looking for. You take in the full skirt, stiff lace collar, and you run your fingers reverently over the beautiful appliqué detail at the waist, almost afraid to touch it.
"Nicky..." She stops you,
"I know, just try it on." She waits outside the dressing room while the attendant helps you change, as soon as you step out to the three-walled mirror, your eyes well with tears of excitement, relief, and realization that this was actually going to happen. You were going to marry Iain in a week and a half. And now everything was set. You turn around on the pedestal, looking to Nicky, whose eyes are also looking a bit misty, she claps lightly,
"It's perfect Turbo."
"So the dress is covered!" Nicky finishes telling the story of the dress-ordeal to Colleen and Alan, Iain's parents; they flew out to help with the last of the wedding prep, showing up right as filming completed and basically planned and hosted the wedding shower themselves. Now the four of you are meeting for a celebratory lunch but also a farewell to them as they had to fly back to Scotland briefly before the wedding.
To begin with, you were fairly nervous about meeting them face to face, but they had been nothing but accepting and supportive. Sometimes you would catch yourself wondering how a family this wonderful would want to embrace little, broken you.
"So that's everything? It's all planned with some time to spare?" Colleen asks, surprised, "Impressive planning on your part, there, Y/N."
"Oh, no. It was all Nicky. I'd still be looking for a photographer or caterer if she wasn't there to help." You say, deflecting the praise,
"It's not quite done, though." Nicky chimes in, "I'm still workin' on minor aspects of the ceremony, which we could probably hash out right here." You scoot a little closer to the table, ready to brainstorm, "So you've already picked out the music for the wedding party to walk in to, the order of events, ending music and such, I just needed to check that you were walking alone down the aisle." Your future in-laws were aware of your family situation and have graciously never pressed the issue too hard, but you suppose now it's unavoidable. Just as you're about to answer her, Alan pipes up,
"You don't have anyone to walk with you?"
"Well, it's actually kind of fitting, don't you think? I mean, my dad was never there, so I was practically always on my own anyway. If I have any living uncles, I don't know them, I've thought about friends, but I don't want to have to choose one over any other. It just makes sense to me." Colleen and Alan share a look, and he nods slightly, "Y/N, it would be an honor to accompany you down the aisle, if you'll let me lend my arm."
"Why would you do that? You already have a daughter you'll be walking down the aisle,"
"And I'll be gaining another in almost two weeks."
"You don't have to do that for me." You sit back, taking a swig of your lemonade,
"Are you actually wanting to walk alone?" He asks, the table seems so quiet. You think about it before reluctantly shaking your head. "Would you accept my arm, then?" He asks sweetly, but you can't answer him, not around the knot in your throat. You jump up, moving around the table to hug him, before your tears spill over.
"I think I would like that." It takes all of your self control not to cry when you finish lunch and see them off at the airport. Why does this family want you? Why are they so wonderful?
"Next thing on the list: Bachelorette party." She whisper, making you chuckle. You'd almost forgotten. 7558,'��B,�

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