Chapter 4: Unwinding

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Your entire Saturday was taken up by training with Brett for a few upcoming fights. You could swear that even your hair hurt. All you wanted to do was crack open a bottle of wine, sink into a hot bath, and let your muscles uncoil to the crooning of Frank Sinatra, but first, you actually had to make it up to your suite. Your driver had to help you out of the car when you could hardly scoot toward the door; grunting with every step, you barely make it to the elevator. By the time you get to your room, you don't even feel like trying to get to the tub, but you know that if you lay down just inside the door, you'll probably die there. You start shedding clothing as you make your way to the bathroom: your shoes by the door, jacket on the desk, you strip your shirt off and toss it onto the counter and nearly get your jeans unbuttoned when you hear someone clear their throat. You spin around with a squeal, trying to cover yourself,

"Iain!" You yelp when you finally recognize him, he looks you up and down before realizing his indiscretion and covers his eyes, though he can't suppress his smirk. 

"Did you not notice all your lights were on, then?" He snorts, and hands you your shirt. You grunt and groan trying to get it back on. "You alright, love?" 

"Got beat up by Brett all day... he calls it training. Now what are you doing here? You scared the living crap out of me." 

"Well that's a right lovely way of greeting your boyfriend— kind of... Friend... Who's a guy..." He stutters at his slip-up, you've been out three times in the last two weeks, but hadn't made it official. 

"You're only kind of my boyfriend?" You say standing behind him where he sat on the couch, looking at him with your best puppy dog eyes. His blush deepens a little bit. You make a mental note of that for future reference. 

"You tell me." Instead you drag him to you by the back of the neck and lean forward, 

"Ouch!" You yell and fold over the back of the couch.

"Oh come on, now, I haven't even had the chance to be bad." Despite your pain, you giggle,

"No, I'm so sore I can hardly move. Honestly, hon, I was planning on a quiet night in the tub, I'm sorry." Iain smiles softly at you and leads you to the bathroom, 

"I figured you would be hurtin' after a day with Brett. You're all set." The bathroom was decked out with candles, the bubble bath still steaming, "holler if you need my help." He says waggling his eyebrows. You plant a kiss on his forehead with a chuckle and close the bathroom door. 

An hour later you can actually move, you've cleaned off all the grunge of spending a whole day in the gym, and you've relaxed enough that you feel you could actually sleep well for once. You wrap up in a robe and step out into the chilly suite and see Iain on the couch watching whatever was on late night T.V. You gesture for him to give you a minute as you grab your pajamas. Soon you find yourself curled up on the couch, feet tucked under you, leaning into his side with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. You laugh at Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Fallon, before he gets ready to call it a night. 

"You know, I noticed you never answered me." 

"Huh?" Your groggy mind refused to work with you 

"We haven't made us official, and I know I want this to be something... So, I'm officially asking you... If you would be my girlfriend... Officially." 

You can't help smiling at him when he gets flustered.

"Of course." You look him in the eyes and once again lean into him, finally sealing your lips against his. He has one hand at your waist as the other cards through your hair. You both press desperately to each other as the room seems to warm several degrees. 

No. This is too soon.

You pull back gently, nudging at Iain's chest when his lips try to follow yours. 

"Good night." You whisper in his ear.

"Agh, ya tryin' to kill me here?" He gives you one last kiss below your ear and pauses to catch his breath. He sighs, "I'll see you on set Monday then?"

"Play your cards right, you may just get a date tomorrow." You joke with a wink and you kiss him one last time on the cheek. He says goodnight and makes himself leave, convinced if he stayed any longer he never would. 

You flop onto your bed. Giddy. What are you getting yourself into? Dating a coworker, a relationship that will be long distance on the off seasons. You wonder for a moment if you can make this work. Only time will tell, you suppose.

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