Chapter 7: 3 Months later

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The past three months had passed with sporadic Skype dates, filled with chatter of daily activities, and phone calls after full days spent at the gym; even from three-thousand miles away, he was still helping you unwind. The more you talk, the more you remember why you enjoy his company so much, which is why no one could blame you for running into his arms, like some cheesy chick flick leading lady, when you spot him at the hotel. 

"Agh, how are you, love?" He asks breathes near your ear, holding you tight. You answer by kissing him so deeply it almost sends you reeling. You distantly hear B.J. And Brett whistling at you two, so you defiantly pull him even closer as he dips you back slightly.

"Be careful, now, it's been a long while, and I really *really* missed you." He whispers breathlessly by your ear. You discreetly let him go when you finally understand what he's telling you. 

"Sorry." You say with a chuckle,

"Oh, don't be." He replies with a twinkle in his eye,

"Okay, lovebirds, unless you want to show up on the fansites, we should probably get moving." Ming says, nudging everyone toward the elevators.

This is where the press tour for the current season begins, from the interview line up you were sent, it looks like you will be doing interviews partnered with Brett. But you share a room with Chloe this time, you can see it now: Neither of you sleeping because you're too busy watching corny 90s movies and giggling like crazy. This could get interesting. 

Since the first day is a free day to get settled in before interviews, you take your time unpacking, get a shower, and you're about to lay down for a nap when Chloe bounces onto your bed, "No, no, sleeping beauty. We gotta go out and have fun while we can." You groan, wanting anything but an evening on the town. "Come on, Ming wants us all to meet in the hotel bar and grill for a toast to the press tour. You have half an hour, come on!"

She tugs your legs until you crumple to the ground like a rag doll.

"I miss my old roommate!" You whine, making Chloe chuckle.

"You won't miss her quite so much after I make you over and you make Iain's jaw drop." You snort, but you're somewhat afraid of what may come next. 

Forty minutes later, you both walk in to the hotel restaurant, and are shown to the table that is already alive with conversation. Iain stands, eyes wide as he looks you up and down. He pulls your chair out for you, "You look amazing." He says, kissing your cheek before he sits back down. Whistles and 'aw's sound out around the table,

"Okay, come on, grow up." You jab. 

Dinner is served quickly, and tastes amazing, everyone is trying to give you advice on how to handle your first press tour: Don't give any big details from any episodes, try to stay chipper and friendly, stock up on red bull or five hour energy, expect to be tired, and so forth. Just the talk is starting to exhaust you, so you try to change the subject. 

"That farewell party was something else, Ming. I mean, a bouncy castle? That thing was bigger than my apartment." 

"Oh, Sylvia loved it in there," Brett piped up, "I was starting to worry that her energy was just going to keep renewing and she wouldn't tire herself out with it,"

"Then she fell asleep inside and you sent me in to get her." Iain offered with a laugh,

"Yeah, I noticed you were really good with her." Brett says, "thinking you have a future wrangling little ones." 

"Maybe." Iain says, looking at you, the fondness in his eyes breaking your heart. Your stomach twists at the thought. A thought you'd worked so hard to avoid. 

You feel yourself go pale,

"Excuse me." You squeak to those around you as you stand up. "I think I'm going to turn in. All the... Interview talk has kinda taken it out of me." You turn and head out, leaving a few people at the table in confused silence. You hear a couple of whispering voices, and someone gets up to follow you, but you can't quite out run them.

"What's the matter?" Iain asks as he takes hold of your elbow.

"Nothing, I just need to get some rest."

"You look like you've seen a ghost... I didn't scare you, did I?"

You want so badly to just scream 'yes! This is just too much right now!' But the lobby of your hotel is not the place to bring it up.

"Iain, I'm tired, and I'm worried about tomorrow, so can you just let me get back to my room?" He steps in closer, looking deadly serious. "Something is wrong. I need you to tell me what it is, so I can help you."

You finally cave and you both go back to your room to talk.

"This is too much. I really care about you, but I don't want a husband or children, or the white picket fence... certainly not right now."

"So... Wait... You're saying you don't see us going anywhere, is that it?" He looks at you like a kicked puppy, "are we just wasting our time being together?" 

You pause. Seriously thinking through your answer. You had seen him running around with Sylvia, you knew he was great with kids. You knew what he wanted you to say:

"No, we'll be fine. Things change." But you can't bring yourself to say it

"Yes. I think we might be... But I don't want to lose you." He gulps and nods lightly,

"Are you sure about that? Because you don't seem to really want me." He moves to leave and you grab his wrist,

"Iain, please don't leave us like this—"

He gets up and leaves without another word, ignoring your protests. 

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