Chapter 9: Rock Lobster

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A/N: This is embarrassingly short, I'm terribly sorry. It's just a little filler chapter and I can't find a way to lengthen it.

Iain gets better a couple of days later, the two of you settling into a somewhat awkward, though civil, routine of minimal interaction. The press tour probably would have been harder to get through if you had been partnered with Iain or Elizabeth, but doing interviews with Brett and bunking with Chloe, you felt it gave all of you enough time apart that having to sit near each other at meals or on panels you felt like nerves weren't quite so frayed. You felt like you would actually be okay. There was no playful banter between you three for a little while, but one day assured you your friendship was on the mend:

The last round of interviews had just finished and the group was out for one last dinner, coupled with karaoke, before launching into the filming of the next season. In all honesty you had probably had a little too much to drink, otherwise there was no way you would have found yourself in the spotlight, singing Rock Lobster. You figure since you're up there, you might as well pour yourself into it.

You know you get half the words wrong, but how would anyone know, the lyrics don't make sense anyway, so you focus more on your choreography. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know this will end up on youtube, but you can't bring yourself to care, you're having too much fun. Before you know it, you have the whole karaoke bar laughing, and they're not even laughing at you, they seem to be enjoying the show. You bow when the applause starts, woots and whistles accompany you as you stumble back to your table and breathlessly take your seat. Elizabeth was cheering for you along with the rest of your table, and just as the room quiets down, ready for the next victim, Iain reaches over and pats you on the back, still laughing and smiling bigger than you'd seen since your talk. That's when you knew for sure that you would be alright.

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