Chapter 5: Disclosure

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Well, Iain had, in fact, played his cards right. The two of you went to a movie Sunday night after a casual dinner. Unfortunately, you both had to turn in early due to work the next day. Now Monday morning finds you trudging to the hair and makeup trailer, but no matter what you do, you can't wipe the smile off your face as you remember the company of the night before. 

"Well, what's got you so chipper this morning?" Elizabeth pulls you from your reverie, 

"I wouldn't exactly say 'chipper', so much as 'not-so-grumpy'." It was no secret that you were definitely not a morning person, often falling asleep as Jen tries to finish your makeup, 

"Okay, then what is keeping you from grumpiness this morning?" Another smile works its way across your face,

"My boyfriend." Both girls' heads whirl around 

"What boyfriend? You never mentioned a boyfriend!" Chloe says, getting excited, "what's he like? Do either of us know him?" Obviously Chloe hadn't been paying much attention to you and Iain, but if the sudden protective vibe currently emanating from Elizabeth was anything to go by, she had. 

"Well," you begin, "he's incredibly sweet, makes me laugh, we both have the same stupid sense of humor, he calms me down, makes me feel safe and relaxed. He actually helped me out this weekend after training with Brett." 

"Oh, so he lives in the area." Chloe asks,

"Temporarily." You answer vaguely, wanting to see how long it will take her to get it. 

"Okay, he travels for work?" 


"Where is he from originally?" 

"Scotland. Glasgow." You watch her closely. Waiting. Finally you see the realization dawn on her,

"Not Iain."

"Yes, Iain." You giggle. She squeals, earning a gentle shush from Megan, who is currently trying to curl Chloe's hair.

"That's so exciting! You two are so cute together." She gushes. Elizabeth just smiles lightly as the girl talk commences. 

As you're walking to set afterward, she takes hold of your elbow,

"Sorry, Y/N, can I have a quick word?" You step aside with her for a moment, checking your watch discreetly, making sure you aren't running late,

"I know Chloe is excited for you, and you and Iain seem to be very happy together, but I just have something I have to say," you brace yourself for something horrible, some lecture about the impracticality of dating a coworker, "Iain can be very passionate about things he cares about. And sometimes that can cause him to be impulsive and spontaneous, and he gets himself in too deep without thinking things through. He means a lot to me. Much like a brother. And seeing him get hurt is the last thing I want, so just promise me you won't hurt him..." you breathe a sigh of relief,

"Elizabeth, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Yes, this is new, and it may seem sudden to you guys, but honestly, for us it's been a long time coming. Besides, we only just started dating, it's not like we just got engaged." You chuckle lightly at her protectiveness,

"No... At least not yet." She chuckles with a wink. Your stomach jumps a little at that thought, and not from excitement. "Just promise that you're looking out for him. That you have his back." You smile softly at that, 

"Now that is something I can promise." You walk onto the set together, Iain smiles and winks when he spots you, and you can't stop the blush that crawls up your cheeks. Henry whistles jokingly, causing scattered laughter on set. Overall, a good start to a work week, though on the drive back to the hotel, you can't shake that fear in your stomach. You weren't sure yet if you want to get married. Even to Iain. What if that's what he wanted? And kids? Oh, God forbid he wants kids. You can't even stomach the thought of that argument now. Soon you're drowning in your own worries, not wanting to hurt Iain, but feeling a bit like a deer in the headlights considering how your future was looking right now.

Oh, what did you go and do?

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