fred figglehorn

292 3 2

***Kadens pov***

   Hello! My Fumble family! No there not my family dummy! Hello! My names kaden or jokerkid! No not my online user stupid! Hello my names kaden fumblebottem! Yeah thats good!

   I watched the people talk with eachother as they were about to fight.


   I heard the penguin guy called albert said. Once they calmed down i emerged from the shelfs like a spider and introduced myself.


  for some reason all those smelly people screamed. Holy farts that hurts my ears.

   "ITS A EYEBALL WITH A BODY!" The guy called denis yelled.

   I was confused then realzied what he meant ," Oh you mean my mask? Yeah i wear it to scare people,"

   After we all introduced ourselves albert came over to me and we sat on the nearest couch.


  "Uhm hhm yeah?"

  "What do you look like without the mask?"

   "Im very handsome!"

"Then show me"

  I nodded and proceeded to take off my mask. He wont like you.  I stopped pulling my mask off as i heard those words. I gave a big sigh and pulled it off.


                    I heard laughing


jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now