not again...

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***alberts pov**

I woke up to Kaden sitting on me eatting an apple. His red hair was getting longer each passing day. Kaden seen me awake and smiled ,"G'morning!"

  I yawned,"Good morning...wheres jand-"

   "He slept with denis."


  "Shush your gonna wake them! Also no stop thinking wrong idiot!"

"Ohhhh you ment they just like slept and caught some Z,s!"

"Yessss." Kaden finished his apple and went to throw it away.

  I looked at the others. Dani and laugh were chatting and Jake was asleep on the single couch. I looked at another couch and seen jandel cuddling with denis. I mean Denis hasent been sleeping good since sir meows a lot was eaten by those people that roam the day.
     Denis yawned and fluttered his eyes open. He waved at me and I waved back. He stared at the ceiling.

   "So wanna go get some more suppiles for the wall?" Kaden asked me.


Laugh came over towards us,"Can i come to?"

  "Sure!" Me and Kaden both said.

   "There really is nothing." Laugh kicked a lamp over and the light bulb shattered , "Oops."

  "Ugh laugh!" Kaden trotted towards him and they bickerd.

Me on the other hand seen some pallets and quickly called the two over. "Guys! We can use these to help build our wall!"

   "Great idea!"

((These are what pallets look like btw))

Me and Kaden grabbed one while laugh went to go grab another one to haul with us

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Me and Kaden grabbed one while laugh went to go grab another one to haul with us. The 3 of us slowly but surely made it back to our fort with only 2 pallets. It was a start atleast?

  "Pallets...?" Denis looked at us confused.

"To help build our wall." I stated and he nodded and helped laugh with his pallet.

Jandel was awake sitting on the same couch and was eatting an orange.

We really need to find more food.

"Good morning jandel!" I waved to him. After I finished i put the pallet away i walked towards jandel but denis cut me off. "Albert could you show me where the rest of the pallets are?"

I pushed him aside," Im sure Laugh or kaden can help you."

"They said they dont know."

"Denis i-" I looked at Jandel. He waved at me then looked away. Atleast he waved. "Sure ill show you!"

"Great!" He exclaimed .

I showed Denis where the pallets were. They were close to our fort luckily . i thought the pallets were far away. Guess not.

"Albert we should hang out more bud."

"That would be nice. Denis what was your life like by the way?" I asked him as we still searched for the wooden pallets that we could carry.

  "Mine?" He shrugged ," I guess alright. Me and sir meows a lot.....would go out on walks and.. I lived alone so my cat was my only company." He put his hands in his jean pockets,"What about you?"

I looked at him,"Well...before they kiddnap me and took me here. I have a dog called bedrock and i played a lot of games and thats  really it."

"So your single? Thats kinda sad."

"Are you not? And I didnt say if i was or not."

"Well you make it sound like it."

"So do you!"

There was an akward silence

Then they both bursterd out laughing.

"Hahaha- guess we both are then!"

  "Guess we are!" I smiled.


"Jandel!" I squeaked.

I dropped my pallet and dashed for Jandel. Denis was right behind me.

There was a person.....ATTACKING JANDEL!!!

  "HELP THE OTHERS!!" He shouted at me.

  "Albert over here!" Denis caught my attention as he helped Jake up,he had a scratch on his face. I quickly ran over panting from all this running and pulled up Dani. "Are you okay?"

   "Yes were fine. W-wheres kaden?"

   "Kaden?" I said his name and got no response.

   "KADEN?" I shouted.

  "Over here!" He shouted back and was under a couch. "Denis come help me!" I yelled at him. He nodded and set down laugh.

We both went to Kaden and lifted the couch up. Kaden crawled out and layed on the floor sighing in relief "thanks guys!"

  "Are you okay?" Denis asked

"Im fine!"

  **3rd person pov***

Albert helped denis carry Kaden to the others. Then realized that Jandel still needed help. He looked towards where he last saw them and there he was. Still fighting with that person. The people who roam the day! Albert thought. Jandel  hit the employee and pushed it off him. Alright admin powers make him run off . The employee held its arm as though in pain and took off running. "Finally!" Jandel cheered.

  "That was awsome jandel!" Denis walked up to him and patted his back," Thanks!" Some blood was coming from the top of Jandels head. "Here Jandel come sit down. Ill clean your head injury." Denis guided him to the couch and they both sat down.

  "Oh haha thanks but i-im fine! Um." Jandel looked around and couldnt see what he was looking for. "Wheres my hat?"

Denis looked around and pointed at kaden walking towards them with jandels hat "oh! Thanks kaden!" Jandel gladly took his hat and was about to put it on when Denis stopped him and took his hat. Jandel looked at Denis confused. "Your bleeding remember?"


Denis put jandels hat on himself and tended to jandels wound. But of course albert watched from afar and seen the two.

  "Hey albert come eat!" Dani called out to him.

   "Alright." Albert sat with the rest of the group and they ate. Knowing the two love birds were in the back..

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now