albert wait up!

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**3rd but also alberts pov**

After Everyone was done eatting albert casted a look at Jandel and Denis and scoffed. He turned back towards his friends and tried to listen to their conversations.

  "Pumpkins are a fruit! Every single fruit has seeds! Therefore pumpkins are fruit." Jake told Dani.

  "Arent they a veggie?" She repiled.

Albert smiled at his friends. Kaden tapped his shoulder ," Do you think pumpkins are a fruit?"

"Oh no im not getting into this!" 

Kaden laughed and looked back at his friends. Albert was bored and got up to go on a walk. Itll be good to clear my mind.

He didnt know where he was walking to. All he knew was that he was safe during the daytime. He kinda just walked and walked and hummed a song.

"I'll......beg my way...'til I get in."

"Til I break skin"

Albert kicked a lamp which he regretted cause it made a noise. He didnt like the sound of glass breaking.

"Lord,...please forgive me for I have sinned." Albert kept walking leaveing the broken glass behind.

"I didn't think it would be that bad.."

Albert paused and looked behind him to see a red haired boy following him. It was kaden. "Oh...hey albert!"

"What are you doing here?"

" seemed upset so i had to come check on you!" The slightly shorter male replied.

  "Oh..i was just going on a walk. You can keep me company i guess."

  "Great!" Kaden walked besides albert and the teo continued walking together.

   It was very quiet till kaden broke the silence ," Do you think Denis and Jandel are together?"

  Albert shrugged , "Does it matter?"

"I and denis were close and now hes hanging with jan-"

"Are you jealous?" Albert stopped walking and look at kaden curiously .

  "I-uhm no?"

Albert laughed.

"What are yall laughing bout?" A man in a red hat came out of no where.

  "Laugh! Please save me from him!" Kaden whinnied

"Sooooooo sorrrryyyy. Not!"

Laughabilty sliently laughed to himself and got between the two. "You guys are acting like children."

" Thats because we are!" Kaden leaped at albert and the two rolled into.....A WALL? But it was not a wall? They tumbled into the "weird invisible wall" and landed into a hallway.

"ALBERT? KADEN? " laugh shouted at them.

"Were fine!" Albert repiled.

"Im more then fine!" Kaden said and got off of Albert and went towards the "wall" he stuck his hand through it and grabbed laugh and pulled him into the hallway.

"wOaH!" Laugh tripped and also landed on Albert.



"STOP!" kaden yelled.

"Sorry" they both said.

Kaden found a switch and flicked it on. And the whole hallway filled up with light. The three of then looked around. They seen pictures on the wall but most of them were abstract paintings. Some glass displays that had trophies. Albert peeked into the glass display and saw a word that seemed familiar.

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now