jared or Harold ?(19)

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**Jandels pov**

"Jared." Grian said.

"Jared?" Albert repiled

"Jared is a demon. Picture an egg with 2 legs,red eyes and razor sharp teeth!

" Oh you mean harold! His name is Harold not jared...i should know."

"What do you mean? 'You should know' ." Grian raised and eyebrow at jandel.

Jandel faced grian and smiled,"I should know because I made him!"




" I- i was lonely and needed a friend."

---Time skip to the old(janzen's) ikea---

" HAROLD!" Jandel shouted for his demonic friend.

"Shush! Just because he dosent hurt you, dosent mean he wont hurt us!" Grian hushed.

"HARRROOLLDDD!" Jandel shrugged off what grain said and called out for his buddy.

A thumping sound came from behind the group and there was a 10 foot monster charging at them. Albert shrieked and hid behind Dani who glared at him. Jandel ran towards harold who halted and skidded on the door,"Hi buddy! I havent seen you in ages!" Jandel smiled at his demonic egg friend. Harold just bent his head at jandel to get a closer look at the monkey.

"Yes its me Harold and i need a favor."

Grian budged in,"Take us to the do-"

"Kill Grian."

"WHAAAAT?" Grian quickly leaped into the air to escape Harold's grasp,"Jandel are you insane!?"

The rest of the group watched in terror as the male bird kept dodging attacks. Harold was determined to obey its master tho. Harold quickly swung its arm down on Grian who was now being squished. "You see Grian i always had all my memories."

Harold slowly raised Grian to his mouth.

"JANDEL! Stop him!!" Denis cried out.


Harold chomped off grians head and threw the rest of the body into its mouth.

All that was left were bloody feathers.

"Now that HES out of my way.." Jandel turned towards the group,"All that's left is you guys and my dad."

Harold grabbed jandel and plopped jandel ontop of it's head.

"Lets see...kill kaden!"

"What! Why me?" The red head asked.

"Well youve always were better then me."

Albert stood infront of kaden,"Your gonna have to go through me first!"

Jandel sighed,"Very well." He pointed at albert,"Kill the cowboy."

Harold gave a small growl as he charged at Albert with strange speed. Jandel fell backwards,"OW!"

Jandel had a bright idea. He summoned his admin control panel that shined with blue light and cloned Harold 10 more times. "I want them all gone! "

"HELPPP! KADEN! LAUGH! SOMEONEEE!" Albert tried screaming for help as Harold slowly lifted alberts body.

"HOLD ON ALBERT !" Denis called out from under a box as the other Harold were trying to sniff him out.

Laugh and kaden were actually....being smart for once and smacking one of the Harold's with a stop sign they found.

"Ill deal with them!" Jandel summoned a blue shinning sword and grabbed it. He ran straight towards the two untill he was knocked into boxes by an unknown force.

"Thanks denis!" Kaden chirped happily!

"No.....problem!" Denis panted,"Woo! Who knew running from demonic eggs could be this hard!"

"ALBERT!" Dani cried out, she quickly dragged albert's body to a 'safe area' where none of the Harold's could see them.

"Albert are you okay? Did they hurt you at all?"

"Dani im bleeding. OF COURSE IM ALRIGHT!" Albert said with sarcasm.

"Fine ill leave you here to die then."

"Nooooo!" Albert grabbed dani's leg,"Im not dying! right?"

"Its a small scratch you will be fine." She rolled her eyes,"Lets go save-" A dark claw grabbed Dani and squeezed her. "DANI!"

Dani hung her head and the claw dropped her. She fell to the ground not making a peep.

"Dani..?" Albert inched closer to dani and poked her. A hand touched his shoulder. He screamed and turned around. It was jandel.

"Oh poor thing...they broke her back!" Jandel sounded so innocent it scared Albert. "Whats wrong with you." Albert whispered.


Jandel pointed his sword at alberts neck,"Make this easy for me could you?" He swung his sword down on what he thought was alberts neck but instead...,"D-denis?!"

Denis fell back into alberts arms and he looked up at albert and coughed. The blood bubbled in his neck,"Sir...meows a lot.."

Albert held back his tears,"No its Albert. Not your cat. Hes dead remember?"

Denis took forever to respond,"....Hes here....Heaven?"

"God dammit denis." Albert slightly smiled.

"What a happy ending! Reunited with his cat !"

"Shut up jandel. No one likes you." Albert snapped

"Sure. Denis did!"

Albert slowly got up and stood face to face with the monkey. Albert spat in jandels face. "Loser." He ran off to find his remaining friends...


jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now