(18) The past

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***3rd pov***

   Jandel looked at denis.

   Denis looked at jandel.

  They were just there. Looking at each other. Slowly inching closer. Denis silently cheered to himself. Could he do it? Would jandel hate him? He put his hand under Jandels chin...pulled him closer and kissed him!


***Alberts pov or 3rd pov***

We were just standing here looking at a file Jandels dad tossed at us scared to open it. "Read it." He commanded

I reached for the file and put it on the desk. He opened it and gasped. It was a file that had information about all of them. He closed it to read the title

"Jandels information on 'them'"

Albert opened the file and looked at the first page.

  " Their all very weird and mutated. Why did father assign then to me? Is it to help me fit in? I believe ive met all my 'subjects' their also chaotic and nervous"

Albert looked confused as to why jandels dad was showing him this. His dad gave him a blank stare and edged him to go on. Dani was peeking over alberts shoulder and pointed at a crumbly paper.

"My names jandel i was created by my dad the 'boss' to serve him but i dont want to be a servant. For i shall take over and run everything! Im gonna bring him down "

"That dosent sound like jandel..." Alberts voice trailed off as he tried to figure out if Jandels kindness was fake.

  "What happend to jandel?" Dani asked grian and the boss.

  "Erased his memory"

"But the notes?" Albert asked.

"I put them in their for you to read." The boss grabbed another file which the title read, "servant jandel (son) "

Albert opened it

" Jandel has been acting weird. On edge  hes been writing in a book. Everytime I ask he states its to help him think for ideas. If asked to read it he would snap and attack."

"So why did you erase his memory?"

Jandels dad gave him a yellow paper.

  " SUBJECT jandel. . . . GONE WRONG . . . F I R E . . . fix jandel. Erase memory and put him in the daycare. . ."

"That dosent explain anything!" Albert cried out. He was so confused. Why were they showing him these files.

  Grian sighed," You must be thinking if jandels a robot. No hes not , hes a monkey hybrid whatever like boss here. He was based off of the creator who made this whole building called 'Janzen' we put his memories in Jandels head and i guess he thought he owned the place."

"So jandel thought he owned the place which got him corrupted?" Dani asked.

"I guess it was our fault for mixing their memories. " Grian simply said.

"So we erased his memories and let him grow up like a normal kid. Although i perfer power hungry jandel over this sad mistake" The boss said.

Albert switched back to the profile about him and his friends. He looked for anything about him. He grabbed a photo and it was a picture of him sleeping. Albert was creeped out but it was a good picture. Dani grabbed a note and smiled.

  "What is it!" Albert asked.

".....Dani is a great friend to us. Im surprised she cannot fly. How does she have 6 wings and a great sense of style." Dani read out loud.

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now