The nightmare

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*Alberts pov*

"Ohhhh~ Albert~" He dragged his sword behind him. The dragging sword making scratching sounds on the road. I took slow steps back. Fear pumping through my veins. "Albert~ all is well! Come back!" I shook my head. He got mad but then smiled

"Youll regret it!!"


i shrieked liked a girl as i woke up from my nightmare. Kaden sat up and came over to me. "Are you okay?" I shook my head no. Soon after Jandel came and looked at me worried. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. he haunting me?
I rested my head in my palms. Remembering the nightmare. Flinching as someone touched me i looked up. Jandel had his hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him and thanked him.
I looked up and noticed it was still dark.

"UGH! When will it be day again!!"

Kaden laughed,"What you scared?"

I lookes away,"Maybe!"

"Whats so scary-" before kaden can finish jandel cut in,"There are unknown dangers here."

I nodded,"We dont know whats out there!"

Denis walked over to really pissed,"Can you guys keep it down!!"

Jandel bowed his head,"Sorry mr.daily."

Dang where does janel come from? Was he a butler or something?

Denis looked at jandel then he huffed and accepted the apology and went back to his makeshift fort with jake and polarcub.

"Jandel why did you say Mr?" I asked him he turned towards me and said,"I belive it makes the apology more sincere"

Kaden nodded,"I see. I thought you were just making fun of him!" Jandel shook his head.

"Albert care to say what your nightmare was about?"

I flinched,"UhH No thanks buster!"

Jandel nodded and he let it go. For now.

After a couppe minutes of us chatting kaden got up and said hes going to grab marshmellows since thats all we have.
He came back with a bag of marshmallows and gave some to us.

"You know we should look for more food right?" Kaden shoved a marshmallow into his mouth,"It gets tiring eatting the same thing after a while!"

"Dont talk with your mouth full!!'

I laughed at what jandel said but also agreed with kaden.

Just then we heard a scream. Jandel ran out of our fort and me and kaden followed after. Jandels tail started twitching. Kaden walked over to Denis,jakes and polars fort.

"Guys come over here!! Quick!!"

Me and jandel headed over to their fort. "Their gone!!!"

I gasped,"WHAT HOW???"

"DENISSSS!!! DANI!! JAKE!!" (For those who dont know dani is polarcubs real name) Jandel frantically started pacing around. He looker behind their fort and near ours.
I looked inside the 3's fort and noticed feathers...dani's wings!

"Jandel!kaden! I found feathers!''

They quickly rushed over and i held up the feather to them

  "Danis wings..."

Kaden searched their fort again while jandel was panicking. I walked a little farther in search of more clues. As i kept going farther i heard footstepd behind me. It was jandel. Kaden slowly trailing behind him carrying a lamp.

   "Albert dont wander! We dont know whats out their!"

   Jandel and kaden waited for my response and i gave a quick nod.

   "What about temp? Has anyone seen him!?!?" Kaden shouted

    "OH GOSH WE LOST DENIS DANI JAKE AND TEMP?" Jandel pretty much lost his mind at that point.

   Then we heard laughing

  "Did you guys forget about me?"


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