oh no.

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**Jandels pov**

"Thanks grian.."

"No problem but you owe me one." He grinned.


"Youll see."

I frowned at him and nodded. Dani came back and landed behind grian.

  "Told you you could fly." He rolled his eyes.

Dani gave him a dead look and turned her attention towards me,"Your dad wants to talk to you. I beat him up pretty good to!" Dani said cheerfully,"He wont hurt you."

"Thats..uhm nice. Thank you." I stood up but fell in pain. "Ow.i thought you healed me!"

"I guess your body isn't used to it?" He shrugged.

**third pov because why not**

Albert stuck his hand out for jandel to take. Jandel looked at him suspiciously .

"Remember when we first met? Hah!" He chuckled.

  Jandel slightly smiled and took alberts hand. "Thanks."

"Awwwww love birds yuck." Grian smiled.


"We should go to the boss now." He said serious


"Im coming with!" Albert said,"Dani could take me! Right dani?"

Dani nodded,"Lets go beat a monkey!"

Jandel hid behind grian

"Whoops sorry jandel not you."

"Thats alright!"

----------------Time skip yaya--------------------

"Jandel...grian." Jandels dad called out.


"Your not leaving me."

"No i think we are we just need kaden and the rest to find an exit." Grian stated casually.

"I have eyes everywhere."

"Is he speaking in toungues now?"

"Oh no....hes talking about mike!" Grian shouted and jandels dad laughed.

"Oh yeah where is mike?"


"What wait?"


Albert and dani just looked at each other as if not sure what to do.

"HES GONNA KILL DENIS!" Jandel squeaked and tripped over a chair as he tried to leave the room. Albert helped him up and jandel quickly thanked him and took off again. He knew that grian would protect his friends from his dad. Maybe he thought to himself. The whole department was a maze who knows if jandel would make it in time to save his friends from mike!
   Mike was the shortest and he was built very well and quite speedy. But he was easy to spot for his neon color scheme.  Jandel stood in a hallway listening for anything. Screaming, talking , chatting, knife sounds whatever! But he couldnt hear anything. He decided he would walk around aimlessly. He turned down the hallway that had a sign reading daycare him and grian grew up there. He smiled remembering a memory....


"Alright! Tag your it!" Grian touched Jandels arm and ran around the daycare dodging every block or toy on the ground. "Come back here!" Jandel shouted and tripped on the baby crib. "Oof!" The baby in the crib cried and grians older brother dream walked in very mad. "Who did it!" Grian pointed at jandel and he looked down. "Im sorry Mr.dream" "its fine jandel" dream carried the baby in a blue blanket.

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now