The nightmare that became reality

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**3rd pov**

Jandel help!!!

Jandel gasped and woke up. He was a bit sweaty but why? He looked around and seen he was the only one awake.

Just a nightmare... Jandel thought to himself. But who was screaming for help?

Jandel sat up and rubbed his eyes. Best not to think about it I guess.

Jandel seen a body stir next to him.


"Sorry for waking you albert."

"Its fine...whos behind you?"

"Whos what?"

Just then a rag was placed over jandels mouth and nose. His vision started blurring. He heard albert screaming for help while other men tried holding him down. Jandel closed his eyes and the last thing he heard was...



  Jandel woke up tied to a chair..he slowly opened his eyes.."Where am I..?...Albert?" He seen Albert tied up but not in a chair just thrown on the ground. Like a doll. "Albert wake up!"

"Hes not gonna wake up Jandel." A pair of bright neon green eyes stared at Jandel.

"Mike! You have to help me! Please..."

  "He cant." A winged man said.


Jandel struggled to get out of his chair. "Is albert okay?"

"Hes fine...for now."

"What do you mean..?"


" Well as long as im in the room no ones safe janny~"

Its dad! Jandel was physically panicking at that point for alberts safety . "Dont call me that...boss.."

"Grian knife please."

Grian grabbed a knife from a coffee table and gave it to jandels dad. Who gave it to mike. "Jandel we had a deal. I let you go free if you can protect your friends. But in the end you killed one."

Jandel looked down ,"I didnt mean to...he knew about my admin! Isn't it better to kill him? Then for him to find out about all this?"

  "Well they found out in the end anyways." Grian stated and gave jandel that hard cold stare he hated.

  "What do you mean!"

Grian took out his phone and showed it to Jandel. It was footage of him showing albert,laugh and kaden the way out. "B-but how?"

"You were asleep baffoon!" Grian yelled at him.

" head..."


"Jandel!" Albert got up but mike tripped him ,"Whoopsie daisy!" Mike said.

"O w.....hey. Where am i?" Albert looked around confused. Then his eyes widened as he seen mike point a knife at him. "Dont move or else." Albert nodded slowly.

"What do you guys want!"

"Grian reported that you...delvoped feelings for that thing. So instead of hurting you grian came up with you telling the truth to Albert."

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now