Night 1

268 4 4

***Jandels pov***

"Il be right back"

Kaden nodded at me and smiled.

Maybe i could convince my father into letting these people go? I thought about what my father might say. His tail lashing angerily at me. He brows furred. His usally moneky smile now a frown. Calling me a disappointment to our family.

As i dragged my hand across the wall i heard a noise... Was i being followed? I looked to the side and saw a mirror. In the mirror i saw laughablity Was he following me? Crap! I cant let him see me walk into my headquarters.

Uhmmm what to do....what

I looked up and saw an employee. BINGO! I quickly pulled out a device and commanded the employee to make a noise behind laughablity.


Thats my cue! I looked back and saw laugh looking behind him. I quickly pressed a button on the wall and the secret door opened. I walked in and made sure it closed behind me. I let out a sigh of relief but quickly sucked it back in. I have to face my dad...

Do i have to? Yes
Do i want to? No
Do i like my friends i met? Heck yes!

I got the courage to walk up the flight of stairs leading to my dads office. I passed by some of my co workers one who owns a "walmart" his names mike. The other owns a "home depot" his names grian.

Grian gave me a evil smile and put a hand out to stop me, "Boss had been expecting you." And without waiting for a response he went down a dark hallway.

What did he mean...?

I looked at mike. He put a hand through his green neon hair and gave me a slight smile then went down his own hallway.

I shrugged off what grian said and continued my way to my dads office.


"Jandel....ive been waiting for your report"

My dad closed the door behind me and went to sit at his desk. I bowed to him and sat in the chair infront of him. What do i say? My dad glared at me.

"Father i-"



I felt my cheek. It burned. He set down his baton. I crawled into my seat and hunched. I held back tears.

"Boss i was hoping if...i could release my subjects ..."

My dad reached for the baton again then stopped. "Jandel...lets make a deal shall we.?"

I perked my head up. My monkey tail wagging slighty. "What kind of deal!!"

He let out a vemon smile.

"If your "friends" make it to night 10 ill let you and your friends free from my grasp"

Did he really mean that? I can be let go? No longer hurting others? In yo face grian and mike!

"On one condition!"

"Yes boss?"

"You have no admin powers. But! The employees wont attack you understood?"

I looked down. He did it on purpose so i cant save them!!! How can i protect them!!



My dad pressed a button and turned around his computer. On the corners it showed. J a n d e l ' s IKEA . . . . . Turning night time . . . . . . . .

. . . . .night time mode powered on. . . . . .

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now