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  **jandels pov** (poor thing)

   "Did you guys forget about me?" He laughed.

   "Laugh! Wheres temp?"

  "Still dont care alright? Temp went to follow this thing that took jake dani and denis."

   "Then why are you here?" Albert sounded mad.

   "Calm down cowboy he told me to stay to tell you guys"

  I hadn't realized my tail was twitching till albert looked at me concerned. But i couldnt stop. My friends had been taken! Dani..jake..temp..denis.
    At this point i mightve already lost this bet! No freedom for us. I fell to my knees grief filled my heart. Sadness poured into my eye.  I played with the tie on my tuxedo, blocking out the voices.  Maybe i could change the deal? No! Im so stupid he'll win!

          "JANDEL!!!" alberts voice ranged in my monkey ears.
      I shook my head and looked at him clueless.

     "Were going to go find them okay?" He put his hands towards me and i accepted it. He pulled me up and smiled.

      Kaden pushed himself between us ,"NO KISSING YA SMELLYS!"

    Laughabilty of course laughed practically wheezing.

        I scoffed at them for thinking such horrible things. Im a civilized monkey! Albert laughed along with laughablity. Even under his mask i could tell kaden was smiling. I realized we still needed to find our missing people. Kaden walked towards me and patted my back.
           "Cant handel a joke?"
            "I can! Im just worried!"

    Albert quickly stopped laughing then smack laughablity who kept laughing cause he thought albert hits like a girl. My tail kept swaying but i managed to make it not noticeable. Besides! He could be watching... I looked at a certain part of the walls which was directly behind me. I know you see me..."boss"   I pictured grian and mike standing behind him judging me. Hopeing i dont end up like clay....

~flashback to when jandel was younger~

     "Clay it is time for you to earn your own place to work at" my fathers voice boomed. Clay was the smartest person ever who could beat up my dad in a quick second. Grian stared at clay, his eyes sparkling at his brother. I was also happy for clay. I wonder where he'll work at?

         "Clay, it is an honor to give you the high-ranking of working at minecraft!"

    Clays eyes sparkled. He grinned and dipped his head. "Thank you boss"

   And that was the last we seen of him. Father gave him the name of "Dream" cause he was fathers dream son. Someone as evil as him.
         What happend to clay you may ask? Well....

      A few years later

      "Jandel thats not how you solve a Rubik's cube!" Grian shouted at me.
      "Is there a certain way?"
      "Well-" grian got cut off as some guards ran past our room. My father ran after them in a panick.
          "Whats going on?" Grian looked at me.   I shook my head as i didnt know. We dicthed the rubiks cube and walked towards where my dad went.

     I looked at the top of the hallway. A sign read "Minecraft" my stomach lurched. Did something bad happen to clay? Grian must of caught on because he started speed walking towards a window which showed clays area.

      And there he was. Clay. Dead in my fathers arm. Other bodies layed beside him. Blood splatterd everywhere. Grians breath hitched. I pulled grian into a hug and he sobbed.
         He screamed in agony. My heart ached with pain as i heard his world shatterd. He fell into more pain.
         That day grian changed. The whole system changed. No real people were allowed only bots. Untill it was my time.

                ~end of flashback~

       Would grian or mike cried if i died? I shooked my head and cleared my thoughts. Me,kaden,laughablity and albert were walking hopefully looking for anymore clues. I sniffed the air and smelt something funky. Like....metal?
        There was only one thing that smelt like funky metal which was.


            I looked around seeing if any was around but to my suprised none was their. All there was, was furniture. I gave a mean look to the ground as if it did something. Like a mother scolding her son.  Sighing i looked at the others making sure to keep an eye on them. Kaden was moving boxes. Laugh was lifting cushion's. And albert was... Looking under carpets. I smiled not sure why i did. But i did.
               I gave up looking for the blood smell and looked by some lamps to stay in the light. On my way to the lights i stopped behind Albert. A funny idea popped in my head. Slienty as i could i swapped our hats. I heard giggling behind me and saw laugh staring. I walked towards him and mimicked albert.
            "WeLl HoWdY bUsTeR! tHe NaMeS aLbErT!"
          Kaden walked towards us laughing. Laugh was already dead on the ground gasping for air. I to laughed. Then i was pushed to the ground. Alberts hat was no longer on my head but instead of his mine was.
         Scared for my life ending like clay's I curled up and covered my face.
     I opened my eyes a bit and peeked from behind my hands. All three of then stared at me in confusion. Albert slightly smiled and said sorry as it was supposed to be a joke. He pulled me up and put his hat back on.
            I responded saying it was fine.
       "Jandel wh-" then he passed out.

        Kaden passed out.
         Laugh passed out.

      I shook their bodys panicking. What happend????

        "Jandel are you okay!!!"

      I turned around. That voice sounded like...


jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now