The ability to laugh

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***laughs pov***



     "Greetings! My friends! I am laughablity!" Everyone stared at me weirdly. I laughed even harder.
       "Sorry sorry i cant stop laughing."

I looked at the weird eyeball guy,"Youll never make it out here i mean look at you!"

  "Hey man thats no cool!" Albert said.

    Id seen jandel clenching his fist and staring at me with hatred. What can i say? Everyone hates me soon enough. I laughed again and told them sorry. The rest of the group said there names and we all just chatted. We found a lamp and used it as a campfire? Even if it wasent dark we all had fun.
      Jandel said he had to go somewhere and he ran off. He was acting a bit off so i followed him. No one seen me so that was good. Jandel was walking by a wall. I heard a noise and turned around. It was one of those mindless creatures walking around very slow. I shrugged it off and looked back at jandel.

                  He was gone!!?!?

   I panicked. I was a witness there gonna send me to jail. Their gonna think i killed him! Calm down laugh. Your panicking again just think of something that will make you laugh.

    I thought of when me and my friends were playing a game. The mimic. There screams were so funny everytime we saw that girl.


    Laughing always make me feel better

    "Laugh are you okay?" I turned around and saw denis. His cat wad curled around his neck sleeping soundly.
     He was waiting for me to say something but what could i say? Oh i was stalking jandel and now hes gone :D
      "Im fine. Just getting a break from everyone."

   Denis nodded,"You should come back with us. Who knows whats out here!" Denis looked worried. Probably worried for his cat.

    I sighed and nodded my head. I followed denis back to out camp.

     "There you are laugh! We were all worried about you " Jandel smiled.

    Where did he come from? Did he know i was following him?  Right as i was gonna say something.

             Everything went dark.

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now