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****alberts pov***

I woke up to lights flickering on.

"Wait. Lights!!?"


"We know!" They all shouted at me.

The smell of bacon touched my nose. I looked towards everyone sitting at a table. Talking to one another while jandel was cooking towards to left. How is he cooking bacon? I got up and waved towards the group and went towards jandel. He seems... Taller?.

"Heeeeyy jandel!" I think i mightve spooked him because he jumped a little.
"Ah! Hello AL!"

AL? He never called me that before! "Sorry for bothering you. I was just curios well i have 2 questions."

Kaden yelled,"DONT DO IT JANDEL ITS A TRICK!" Then he shortly laughed afterwards. Laughablity seemed to catch on and laughed like a hyena.

Jandel tilted his head at them.

"Ingore them! anways how are you cooking bacon?"

"Do you not see the 20 lamps?"

"Uh no-" i just seen the lamps all pointing towards the pan with bacon.

"It is enough to make the bacon cook!"

"I can see that."

"What was your other question?"

"I uhm-"

"ASK HIM OUT DUDE!" Kaden shouted once more.


Kaden huffed and whispers something towards laugh. They both giggled and i glared at them.

"Sorry Jandel what i mean to ask is... You know what i forgot! Haha...!" I quickly walked off and sat next to Kaden and Jake. staring at this table

What a nice table

"So what were you gonna ask him?" Kaden nudge me.

"Just how the lights came on is all!"

"Ohhhh! They came on over night I guess? After we saved Dani and Denis ! But you were already sleep so-"

"Oh i see."

"Bacons ready!!!"

"Bout time!" Denis said

I nodded an agreement

**after eatting**

"That was some bacon!"

"Ill say!"

"Thanks guys!" Jandel hid from his embarrassment

"Awww" Kaden said,"Dont be embarrassed jandel!"

While they were talking i kept gobbling up my bacon. Mmmmmmm bacon

"Isn't That right Albert?" Denis looked towards me,"uhhhh?"

"Youll help jandel build our new fort?"

I nodded,"what will you guys be doing tho?"

"Im getting snacks with laugh!" Kaden chirped.

"Me and Jake will be getting suppiles"

"Me and temp will help you albert" Dani said.

"Lets build our new forts!"


***Jandels pov***

"Hey albert can you help me move this couch?" Dani asked. Albert nodded his head and they both went towards a light green couch. Which left me and temp alone.


"Yes temp?"

"....could you pass me the blanket?"

"Of course temp!" I handed temp the blanket. Is he okay? I noticed temp staring at me weirdly.

"I know you have admin powers"

"What did you say?"

**alberts pov**

Sobbing could be heard in the distance.

"Is that jandel?" Albert asked Dani.

"Im not sure."

The two ran towards the sobbing and seen jandel crying over temps body.


"W-what? Who did!?!!?"


I quickly ran towards him and hugged him. He sobbed in my shoulder. While Dani went to find the rest of the group.

When everyone was here. Faint whimpering came from jandel. Temps death took a lot from him

"Dear friends were gathered here today.... To remember our friend Temprist..." Denis said loudly

Kaden walked towards me and jandel and sat next to us. I gave him a quick hug and he hugged back. "Thanks."

"No problem buddy"


A few hours passed and no one spoke. Denis and Jake were sitting on a couch with dani. Laughablity was pacing around. Me, Kaden and jandel were sitting on another couch. Kaden held a pillow. "Brings me comfort." He had told me. Jandel was staring in the distance zoning out. Whats he thinking about?

I was really hoping this was a prank and hed come back to live . I hugged my knees. Hes not coming back. Hes not coming back. Hes not coming back. Reality hit me at that moment. What if another one of us dies before we find a way out? Will we ever find a way out? Who's gonna die before then?


"Yes jandel?"

"I........im sorry."

"Its okay." I smiled at him,"Its not your fault."

He gave me a small smile and looked away.

I looked to the side and seen Kaden laying on my shoulder snoring. I didnt mind.

"Guys what if they come back?" Jake said

" What if...we make a wall?" Dani commented

"A wall?"

"Yes! The wall could prevent them from getting to us!" Laugh stopped pacing.

"Great idea guys!" I exclaimed

"But we should work close by in case they come back." She warned.

"yeah! But for now i need a nap." I yawned and tried to get comfy on the couch.

"Would you like me to take Kaden?" Denis walked towards me.

"That would be nice but no im okay !" I smiled at him and he smiled back and nodded.

It was a long day for us. The lights coming back on. Building the fort. Temprist's death. Lets hope the light stays on..... Those were the last words I thought before i let sleep over take me.

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now