Josh McKechney (Updated)

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Josh McKechney was born and raised in Calgary,Alberta and is the son of Rob and Camy McKechney. Josh spent two years playing for the Brooks Bandits of the AJHL along with former teammate Jared Cockrell. In August of 2017, Josh stepped onto the campus of Colgate University and has become a household name in ECAC Hockey. In his 173 games in maroon and white, Josh has recorded 33 goals, 46 assists for a total of 79 points in his Colgate career. Now, the reason why Josh gets an extra "senior" profile is because he decided to come back to play an extra season because of presumably the pandemic. Majoring in economics and writing, Josh will graduate as a graduate student from Colgate University. Ladies and gentlemen number seven, Josh McKechney! You'll always have a home here at Colgate bud!

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