First Chapter - The Soft Moon.

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EDIT: This chapter is shit. Lol. Please read it if you'd like some info, but other then that, just skip to CH2.

On most of these chapters, i'll add photos of what the characters look like. This one is Salem.
I'll also probably add some songs/bands you should listen to when reading a chapter. For this one, play Whirl by Soft Kill.
The main character (Salem) also has depression, anxiety and an ED. So, if you're not comfortable with that topic, i'd recommend reading another book.


The moon is soft tonight,
A distant light grows brighter.
No need to set off for flight,
I am no fighter.

"Yes, Evie?"
"Why are you writing such stupid poems again??"
"Hm, well, I don't know."
"You're like Kassy, I don't know what to think of you anymore, Salem."
"I'm sorry, but this is where we part."
"Evie, please... One more chance!"
"Maybe Kassy was right... Goodbye, Salem. "

A blinding light hits my face, and I get sent to the ground. This place, is unfamiliar to me, but I do remember it as a child.

"Salem! Breakfast!"
Another useless dream. Stupid Evie.
"Coming, mom!"
I jump out of bed and put my slippers on.
"Waffles today. Are you hungry for two?"
"Sure, whatever."
She sets two soggy waffles onto my plate, and pours syrup on them.
"Eat up, we have a long day ahead of ourselves, Say-Say."
"Yeah, okay mom."

I bite into the waffles. My mouth burns for food. I haven't eaten in weeks.

"You seem pretty hungry, you're just downing those waffles!" My mom laughed.
"Oh, um, yeah..."

I take note to slow down.

"Well, I'm going to go get ready. Remember to not wear black, sweetie."
"Okay, see you soon."

I take another look at my plate. Soon enough, I'm not feeling hungry again.

It's just a little bite, you know.
Yeah, I know.
Then leave it. No need to eat.
... Okay...
Do you not believe me?
I believe you. I'll stop.

I can't keep doing this. But, it's what I want, right? Skinny. Skinny. Skinny.

"Salem? Are you going to eat?" Mom buts in.
"Uh- Um, yeah. Yeah, I will."
She backs into her bathroom again.

No, throw it out. It's gross. It will give you fat and make you unhealthy and unhappy again. Throw it out! Believe us! Throw it out!

I throw out the rest of my food, and go downstairs to get dressed.
Black. Remember to not wear black.
I pick out suitable clothing, and walk into my bathroom.

Look at yourself, you dumbass. You're a fool!! A loser!!
Loser! Loser!
You're all ours. You're ours. You're mine.

I need to stop listening to myself. I need to stop a lot of things.
I grab my hairbrush and try to tame my tangled mess, but it's no use. I'll just wear another hat again.
"Salem!! Let's go!!"
"Coming, mom."

I step out into the open field that our house faces, and the smell of blue Elixarian flowers invade my nose.
"Are you going to get in the car, Salem?"
"Yes, just give me a second."
I pick an Ethria rose, and it whispers to me.

"Strength and beauty destined to decay, so cut the roses for blood."

I smile happily, and put the rose in my hand.

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