Seventh Chapter - So called lovebirds.

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Salem's POV

I slowly walk with Simon after walking with Taylor for a few minutes.
"You've been ... Quiet." I say, slightly brushing against his arm.
"Yeah. Im just... Observing, I guess." He says, looking at my other arm, and then looking away just as fast.
"Observing what, exactly?" I ask.
"Oh, you know. Stuff, I suppose."

Even with his nerdy appearance, he sounds even more nerdy. But, I don't mind. 

"Okay, Mr. Secretive.  I'm really sorry about Taylor being all over us. I think she's just a tiny bit jealous." I say, laughing slightly.

"Hey guys! Let's go into this store!" Taylor says, and points to a store labeled Aurora.
"Isn't that a clothing store? For girls? Like, bras and shit?" Simon says, looking at the store.

"Well yeah, no shit. But, you can wait outside if you'd like." Taylor reply's.
"Oh no, don't worry about it. I'll come inside. There might be something in there that I find interesting." He says, still eyeing the store.

"And just what do you mean by interesting, Simon?" Someone asked, and we all looked behind us.

It was Evie.

"And who are you exactly?" Simon asked, now eyeing Evie instead of the store.
"Oh, one of Salem's... Old friends. And you? Oh, wait! I know, you're Salem's little protecter! Aww, how cute!" She mocks him.

"Even if I am, it's still better then being a lowlife like you, who has to make fun of people to feel good about yourself." He defends himself.
"Ha! Lowlife? You're calling me a lowlife!? Haha! Oh wow, that's entertaining!" Evie laughs back.
"You're trying to think of a good comeback, aren't you? Oh, wait I can already answer that question." Simon says, smiling at himself.

"And, you're clearly just trying to provoke us. Guess what, dumbass. It's not going to work. So, why don't you just crawl back into the cave you came out of, and go to sleep. You obviously haven't gotten much lately, due to your huge purple spots under your eyes. Aww, how sad." Simon continues, slightly kicking at her ankles.

"I didn't-"
"Evie! Come on! I found a super cool store we should go into!"
Her friend pulls her away, and she tells her off.

"Well, she was rude." Simon says, leading us into the store we were originally going into.

Taylor stared open-mouthed at Simon the entire time we were in the store.

"You got a staring problem?" Simon asks.
"Nah, I was just... Very surprised by your quick reply's. That's all." Taylor responds.
"Hm. Well, she's gone now. And that's all that matters." He replied, looking at some candy that was displayed on a shelf.
Taylor buys a two-pieced bathing suit, while Simon buys two pieces of candy.

"Here." He says, handing me one.
"Oh! Thanks."
"Don't be, it's a gift." He reply's, eating his.

I smile, and eat mine.
"Oh, pack it up, love birds. We should go get some food. I'm super hungry." Taylor says, and I look at Simon.
"Lovebirds?" He asks, still eating his candy.
"Yep. You two clearly have something going on." She tells him.
"Oh. Well, whatever. I'm hungry too, let's go get something." He responds, obviously avoiding the statement Taylor said.

"What should we get?" Simon asks.
"I'm not that hungry." I say, looking at all of the food options.
"Yes you are." He says.
I am taken aback by this.
"You're hungry. It's very obvious that you are. We can split something if you'd like. But, you're eating something today."
Taylor smirks at me.
"You see what I mean? L-O-V-E-B-I-R-D-S" She spells it out, and I roll my eyes.

"I just met him today, stupid. I can't like him already." I reply.
"Yes you can! It's sooo obvious. For the both of you!!" Taylor says almost instantly.
I look at Simon.
Simon looks away quickly.

Does he... No, he can't.
Maybe he can. I have people that love me.
No. No!
Leave. Now.

"So, what do you- Um, What do you want to get, Salem?" Simon asks, looking at me.
"Oh, whatever's fine with me. I really don't have a preference."
"Do you like the Chinese store down the corner?" He asks me.
"Oh! Yeah, I actually love that food. It's like, the only food I'll actually ea-"

Don't reveal your secret, Salem.

I stop myself from talking.
"Great.. We'll get that, then. What do you want?"
"Whatever you like."
"Then I'll get whatever I think you like."
He says, and goes to order food.

"He's so into you, Salem." Taylor says, shoving me to the side a bit.
"Can you not, please? As much as I'd like that, it's highly unlikely."
Taylor walks off to go order her food, and I'm left to go grab a table.

I sit down at a table with 4 seats, and wait for what seems like forever.
Simon comes back first, and he hands me the food he bought.
"This is like, my favourite food ever. You couldn't have picked a better one." I state, and eat slowly.
"Good." He reply's, and he splits the food in half.
Taylor comes last, and she bought Subway.
"This sub is sooo good. You guys have to try it!" She says.

Taylor and her stupid food.

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