Eighth chapter - This was... Predictable, was it not?

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I HAVE WRITERS BLOCKKKK :( WHY!? Anyways, (hopefully) you enjoy this chapter- I had a friend help me write it because I just can't do it by myself :(( Also, here's a photo of what Simon looks like >:)

A few days later, Taylor messages me and Simon.
"Guys!!! So, there's this cool party that my friend is hosting, it's a pool party and everybody is going to be there! You two should totally come"
I'm a bit skeptical of this, but I give in.
"Where is it? And, who's coming?" I ask.

"It's at 1839 Forrest Cloud drive, and it's from 7:00pm-12:00pm. Most of the people coming are my friends' friends." She responds

Simon texts back.
"Only if you two go. I don't want to be left alone :(" He says.
"I'll go, I guess. Is it tomorrow or today?" I ask.
"Today. You coming, Simon?" She asks
"Yeah, I suppose I will." he responds.

It was currently 5:24pm, so I had a few hours to spare. 

Simon's POV

Really, I don't want to go. But, I have no choice. Plus, Salem and Taylor are both going to be there, so at least I'll know some people. And, some of my other friends have to be going to this party. If it's an invite from a girl, they'll surely take it. It's 5:24pm, so I have time to ask them.

I message my friends' group chat.

"You guys going to the part tonight?" I send.
"Hell yeah, I won't miss it!"
"Absolutely. What about you?"
"Yeah, I got invited by my other friends, so I suppose I'll come." I tell them.
"Cool, cool."
"Thanks for clarifying. Im going to go, see you guys at the party." I reply, and I turn my phone off.

What's party wear? I haven't been to a party in what seems like years.

Then, my door opens and I turn my head towards the sound.
"Hey Simon! Do you mind helping me with my homework for a little bit?" My sister asks.
"Sure. But, at around 6:40 I'll have to leave, alright?" I tell her.
"Okay! That sounds like just enough time." She says.
"Alright, what is it you need help with?" I ask.

"I'm doing this super hard math test tomorrow, and I just basically need to study for it. It covers everything that you've learned, but I don't really understand some parts."
She reply's, frowning at me.
"Well, like what?" I ask again.
"Um, haha..." She's visibly uncomfortable.
"Almost... All of it." She says, pivoting her foot in a circular motion
"Ha. Well. let's start with the basics that you don't understand."

The rest of our conversation was about boring math she didn't know how to do, but it was quite easy for me. Although, it's highly likely that it's because I'm in grade eight, and she's in grade five.
Soon, the clock hit 6:39, and I stood up.
"I gotta go, Lexi." I say, and I go to get dressed.

I can't predict how this party will go, so I'll only have to estimate.

Something will go wrong.

Taylor's POV

I set down my phone after texting the group. Everyone's going to the party, and we're going to have a hell of a good time! Hopefully, that is. Was it wrong to invite Salem? I mean, what if... What if she comes?? What happens then? Only time will tell.

Any-who, I have to do my makeup and go get something to eat before I leave. My friend sucks at making food.

And, at the party, I'm totally going to catch Salem and Simon being all flirty and everything. I just know I will.

Salem's POV

Well, I most definitely will have to be careful at this party. I mean, who knows who's going to come? For all I know, Evie could show up at any minute, and make fun of me like she always does. I wonder, if Simon will actually show up. Will he stay? I mean, he's only technically known us for a couple of days now. Anyway, I have to get ready for this party. Pool party? Bathing suit. Unfortunately, I don't have a bathing suit, so I'll just go in my clothes.

"Salem! Are you going anywhere tonight?"
My mom walks in.
"Oh, yeah. Why?"
"Where to?"
"Taylor's friends house. Do I have a bathing suit?" I ask.
"Oh! Yes, I think I bought you one for your twelfth birthday. Hopefully it will still fit!" She walks out, and grabs my bathing suit.

Twelfth birthday? Will I even still fit?

She walks in again, and hands me a black and white checkered bathing suit.
"Here, try this one on." She tells me.

I walk into my bathroom, and put the bathing suit on. It just fits.

"Do you mind driving me?" I ask.
"Sure! What's the address?"
"1839 Forrest Cloud drive."
"Alright, are you going now?"

We walk outside, and I look at the roses again.

Could have been you.

They whisper, and I smile at them.
"Salem! In the car please."
I sit in the front seat of the car, and I plugged my headphones into my phone, and started to sing to my favourite song.

10 minutes later

I arrive at the house, and I wave goodbye to my mom.

"Salem!" Someone yells, and I turn to face the house.
"Oh, hey Simon. How long have you been here for?" I smile.
"Oh, not long. Why?"
"It just looks like you've been here for awhile. Have you seen Taylor yet?"

"No, not yet. I have seen my other friends though. I think you should meet one of them. She's super nice and you two are like, the same person." He reply's.
"Really? What's her name?"

"Heyyy guys!" Taylor yells, sneaking up behind the two of us.
"Hey Taylor." Simon waves slightly.
I smile at Taylor, and just before I can turn to go inside, someone laughs.

It's a familiar laugh.

It's her laugh.

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