Nineteenth Chapter - The Escape.

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Salem's POV

We're doing it! We're finally going to escape! I mean, yeah, I've only been here for a couple weeks, but today's the day! We only have to eat supper, 'go to bed' and then leave! This place has no security at all, and so we can just walk right out.

Me and Finn sit down on the opposite room of each other, staring without blinking. Not even once. He told me about his dad and his brother, even his mom. From what I've heard so far, he's had a pretty fucked up life. I really do feel bad for this kid. But, it will all finally get itself together, and we'll all run away. Together.

It's finally time to eat dinner.
"Kids! We're eating now!" Layalen calls through the speakers connected to all of our rooms.
"Today we're having spaghetti and meatballs!" She calls again.
"Lucky for us." Finn says.
"What do you mean?"
"Spaghetti and meatballs means that the cook and Layalen are way too tired, and just want to go to bed. Also, it's my favourite meal."

We arrive at the dinner table, and me and Finn sit across from each other. No one knows that we're planning on leaving today. No, scratch that, escaping today. Leaving sounds way to easy. Escaping, however...
"Okay, kids! Eat up!" The cook yells at us, and we all grab our forks and start to eat.
Me and Finn stare at each other silently. We both know that this escape will be successful.

Everyone has finished their meals, and we're instructed to head back to our rooms. Me and Finn silently look at each and every person around us, and it brings a smile on our faces that we're going to leave them here. We're both incredibly happy with how this will turn out. Not even a thought to make us rethink this decision.

Soon. Soon we will leave this place and hopefully never return. Finn and I were hoping to go to New York, and still are, but if we're bringing Wren, we're not sure she'd agree. I've been telling Finn more about myself as well, like how I have only 3 friends, but they're the best I could ever have. Simon, Taylor, and Wren. He says that he likes Taylor the most, which I'm not surprised with.

Well now I'm nervous. I know, I know. I promised Finn I wouldn't be, but I can't keep my promises for a feeling I can't contain. Plus, who isn't nervous about escaping?! Meh, whatever. It's almost time anyway. Oh my god it's almost time already!

Finn started to fall asleep, which I had to keep nudging him to get back up. He keeps brushing it off, saying that he's just resting his eyes before we leave. But, I don't believe him.  I really do wonder how this will play out. The front doors get locked at 10:00pm right after everyone gets back to their rooms after they all have eaten. We know that there are 2 known doors that lead outside. One in the kitchen, and one in the library. Luckily, both of them always stay open in a case of an emergency. Finn and I are closer to the library doors, because it's just down the hall. I nervously shake my leg up and down, biting my nails.  I had messaged Taylor what we were going to do, and when we were going to do it.

Half an hour left. Finn and I have started to make plans on where and how we're going to escape. I'm not nervous anymore, thank god. I've just accepted that we're going to do it. Who cares anymore! Taylor says that she's already at Centre Park, so we're doing it whether we like it or not.

Finn and I jump out of our beds, slowly creeping the door open. Ours is the only one that doesn't squeak which is super coincidental. We sneak over to the main lobby, where just a few hallways down is the library. We slowly tiptoe down, and pass Layalen's room.
"Mmm..." She speaks, and we both stop moving.
"She sleep talks." Finn whispered.
We continued to creep over to the library, avoiding all of the floorboards that make noise. We eventually make it over to the library, opening the door slowly and carefully, aware of everything that's around us. We step in, and close the door behind us.
"The door..." Finn said, and he smiled.
We both looked to our front left, and there was a metal door with the label "EXIT" in bright red. We both run carefully over to the door, and we lock hands. Not romantically , that is.
"..." I take one last look around the room.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

Simons POV

Someone has to break me out of this stupid ass dark and wet place!!! Luckily, Salem and her friend, Finn, are escaping. I do hope they're going to escape easily. It's 2:46am and my head hurts like crazy. Riley has been sleeping all day, and I'm getting super annoyed at his snoring. I can't even deal with one, so hopefully Finn doesn't snore.

Oh, yeah, if you haven't pieced it together already, Finn and Riley are twins or whatever, and they come from a super fucked up family. A super traumatic backstory, I know. So basically his mom died a couple years ago and Riley just found out a couple months ago, their dad isn't in the picture anymore, but they still have their dog, at least.

I had another dream with Salem, she told me the plan and asked if I'd come. Obviously, I said yes. Who wouldn't go with her? Taylor, Finn and Salem are going to break me out. Though, I'm not sure how. How could a couple of 14/15 year old kids break out another one of them? Well, they're all smart, so I'm sure they'll figure it out.

From what Salem has told me, things are going just fine with her. Me on the other hand . . . Let's just say, I don't want another twin on my watch. Riley is already enough to handle. Since I got here, he claims that I've helped him calm down. Which, if I had, thank god I got here now. I feel bad for the other prisoners who had to put up with even worse of him.

I'm nervous, I'll admit it. I just want to go home. Home. What does home even mean anymore? I'll never see my sister again. Lexi has always been by my side. Always. I wish I could bring her, but Salem says there's no more room to bring people.

(mental breakdown warning :P)

I feel like I'm falling apart. I feel like I'm folding in, like I won't open up ever again. I miss my parents. I miss my sister. I'm just 14, I shouldn't even be here.
My body starts to shake and I hold my head tight. I am falling apart. Tears start to escape my eyes, and I tuck my knees tight into my chest. I put my head on my knees and cry. I will never see them again. I'm not okay. I am not okay.

I drift asleep and I start to dream.

I'm on the same beach that Salem and I were on, but I'm floating out into the water on a small raft that's made out of wood. The beach gets farther and farther away, and I don't attempt to swim back. The sound of the waves collide against my back, and I slowly start to realize that my raft is sinking into the depths of the water. Still, I don't move. In the distance, three people are calling out to me. One tall man, a shorter woman and a girl.


Finally, I realize it's my family. Salem is no where to be seen.
"Lexi?" I attempt to say, but nothing comes out.

I turn around, and a huge whirlpool is quickly sucking my raft in. I look back at my family, and back at the whirlpool.
I have to choose. I have to choose!
I try to pull myself off the raft, and it takes all of my strength.

"COME ON SIMON!" My dad yells.

I pull harder, practically ripping my clothes off the raft.

"SIMON PLEASE!" My mom yells.

I pull as hard as I can.

"Simon." I look up, and Salem is right in front of me.

"Simon!" I wake up, and she's with Finn, and Taylor.

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