Fourth Chapter - Bad weather, and bad timing!

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Hey! So this chapter I have put a photo of what Taylor looks like up at the top. Enjoy reading!

I woke up again at around 3:00 pm. I looked to my right again, and saw that my mother wasn't there.
The nurse then came up to me, and smiled.
"Well, good morning! Or should I say afternoon? Well, you're ready to leave now."

I sigh.
"Thank you. Um, where's my mom?"
"She left to go to work. At least that's what she told us. "

I frowned. I knew exactly where she was.
My mother makes shit life decisions, and never decides to be an actual mother for once.

"Thanks." I told the nurse, and grabbed my phone.
"Not a problem. Have a lovely day!"
"You too."

I check my phone, and see that I have 3 new notifications.

Hey, I'll be back later today. I'll see you at home, Mom. ❤️

Taylor :P
Holy shit!! Are you okay? You weren't at school today, and I was wondering why, so I asked your mom and she told me what happened.
Please message me back when you see this!!! I want to know if you're okay!

Hey sweetie. I came in today, but you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up. Are you okay? Let me know if you need anything. Please feel better soon❤️

I smiled after reading my fathers. He is the only one who actually cares.
I decide to message Taylor back.

Hey, I'm okay.
She replies almost instantly.
We have to meet up. I need to know what happened. Can you come over to the mall?
I smile and reply.
Yeah, I'm still at the hospital, but I can leave. Meet you there?
Yeah. See you soon.

I grab my bag, and start heading to the mall. It's a long way from the hospital to the mall, so I should probably start walking faster.
Not long after I left, I had encountered another problem. It had just recently rained , and it was super wet outside. Naturally, there would be puddles on the ground. And, there were.
There were multiple puddles blocking my way that I was supposed to go. Normally, I'd walk around them and wait for the nearest bus to drop me off at the mall, but the puddles were so big, I couldn't get through.

I sigh.
I suppose I have to go through it. Goodbye, new boots... I walk through the massive puddle, and shudder as water seeps into my boots, and practically drown my feet.

Luckily, I arrived just in time for the bus to pick me up.
"G'd afternoon, madam. Yew got moneh?" The british man asked me in a heavy accent.
"Um, yeah. How much?"
"Just twenty bucks, yeah?"
"To get to the mall? Doesn't that seem like.. A little to much?"
"Nope. Yeh, gimmie yer moneh. Er i'll 'av you kicked off tha bus."
"Um.. Okay."
I hand him the money, and go to the very back to find a seat.
I then receive another text from Taylor.

Oh my god, how long does it take you?! Anyways, I saw a super cute boy waiting for the bus. You on?

I roll my eyes, and my stomach hurts. Why does she have to act like... Like that?

On the bus? Yeah. Why?
I reply.
He's coming on the bus you're on I think!! Lucky!
I wouldn't call myself lucky. It depends on how cute this boy actually is.

Well, do you like nerdy kids who are super energetic?
She reply's
Oh my god, you didn't tell me that that kid was coming on!!
I tell her.
Haha, well, now you know!! He's coming on, and he's going to kiss you until you drop dead.

The driver yells, and I step out of the bus.
Just before I enter the mall, I see the kid waiting to be picked up. I can see that he glances over to me, and he waves.

"WHY ARE YOU WAVING TO ME!?" I yell to myself.
I force myself to wave back before I die of cringe.
Then, I open the mall door.
"Salem, right?" someone says.
I jump slightly, and turn around slowly.
It's the kid.
The kid who waved to me.


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