Eighteenth Chapter - I dont want to re-live this memory.

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Finn's flashback.

"Please, mom! Just stay!"
"This family is tearing apart, mom!" My twin brother yells at her.
"SHUT UP YOU FOOLS!" She roars at us.
Me and Riley continue to cry. At only the age of  7, she left us.
"Your father will take care of you, now."
I gasp for air as me and my brother wake up in our shitty bunk bed that was about to fall apart.

We both look at each other. Me, on the bottom bunk, and Riley on the top.
"Where's mom." We both panic at the same time.

We both get off the bed, and walk together out into the hallway. We had no one but ourselves to rely on in that moment. Our dog, Salmon lyes on the floor, like he always did.
We walk into the kitchen, when we see two shadows running outside.

"Mom?" Riley says.
"Dad?" I ask not a second later.
"Where... Where are they??" I ask, my voice shaking.
"Outside, this way." Riley motions for us to follow the shadows.

Riley has always been, and probably always will be the bravest twin. He's the oldest by 2 minutes, and has always held me accountable for that. We both know damn well that he's the one that's always been in power. Always. I don't want to re-live whats about to happen. Never have, never will.

"You. YOU!" Our mom yells, and runs at me and Riley.
Although I didn't understand back then, I do now.

Our mom didn't want us in her life. She never did.

She hits Riley first, and then comes after me. Our dad tries to pull her away, but she fights back. Knocked my dad right out, and I remember as clear as day what she said to me next.
"You, are my favourite, my sweet boy. I'm so deeply sorry." And immediately, a switch of mood.

What I do remember, is that me and Riley are sitting in a police office, playing with toy cars. Our dad, James, sits in another room, crying.
"Dad?" I ask, and he doesn't look over.

From that day on, my life - no, our lives have changed. Maybe, for the better, but I'm certain that that isn't the case.

Days after the incident, my dad finally came to his senses, and talked to me and my brother.
"Finn, Riley, I think it's time I tell you what happened that night."

We both understood, and sat down at the dinner table.
"I just want to make it clear, that I will never abandon you two. I will never tell you that your worthless. Because in my eyes, you two are my pride and joy. You two are my happiness and I won't let you go. Ever."

Me and Riley looked at him, and then at each other.
"Dad, we know. We understand." Riley speaks.

"Good. Secondly, your mother didn't hate you. She doesn't," He corrected. "She just isn't herself anymore. You both know that, right?" He asks, and me and Riley both nod our heads.

"You won't be alone. You will not be lonely. I know that your mother has gone crazy. She won't ever come to her senses..." My father started to cry.

"Dad..." I say.
"No. I bought three tickets for us to get out of here. We're going to Indiana."

Me and Riley look at each other again, a very confused look painted our faces.

"Protecting you two. Protecting me. It will protect ourselves." He continues, and stands up.
"Don't give up, you two. Never give up."

That night, I didn't sleep, I remember looking at my door, waiting for someone to walk in. I'm sure that I was hoping for my mother, but now I can't be certain. I remember, that when I 'woke up' at around 6, my dog started to bark.

"Salmon?" I ask.
I open my door to let the dog in, and he quiets down after laying with me. We both understand each other.  I know now, that my dog was barking for my mom to come back home. Back then, I would have done the same. Now, I'd bark at her to go away. To leave and never come back. Which, she luckily has done.

"Salmon, I'm sorry." I tell him.
"Ruhh." He whines, and I pet his head.
"It's okay. It will be okay, she'll come back, don't worry."

I knew that I was just lying to myself. But, at the same time, comforting myself.

"Shut up, you idiot." Riley says, in a shaky voice.

I can tell that he was crying, just very quietly.
"I know that you're thinking the same thing I am." I respond.
"Yeah... I know."
"Do you want to come down?"
He took a deep breath, and he climbed down the ladder.
I move to the left, toward the wall, and put Salmon in my lap.
Riley sat down to my right, and he also watched the door.

"We're just waiting for her to come back, huh." Riley finally speaks, and I start to cry.

"I just miss her, Riley. I really, really do."
"Finn. We have to be on our own now. Dad said so."
I nod my head, but really I was in disapproval.
"She was a great mom, Finn. She will always be." He spoke again.

"Ruh!" Salmon barked in agreement.
"See? Salmon agrees." Riley said, hoping to cheer me up.

I smile, but continue to cry.
"Yeah." Is the only response I could come up with then.

The rest of the 'night' me and Riley comforted each other. In the morning, we left to go to school.

"Hey guys!" My friend, Tulip waved to us.
"Hi, Tutu."
"Oh, shut up you imbecile."

I have always admired Tulip for her wide vocabulary.

"What does im.. ba... cell mean?" Riley asked.
"It means that you're super stupid." I tell him.

Tulip smiles and nods her head.
"Correct-o!" She says.

"Oh whatever."  Riley rolls his eyes.
"Rude much."
"I said whatever, flower girl."

Tulip chased after Riley and eventually we had to go inside because the bell rang. It's always been so obvious that she liked my brother more than she did me, but I didn't mind.

"Bye, guys!"
Tulip had a different class than me and my brother, so we were split up until first recess.

"You have such a big crush on her!" Riley said, and he chased me up the stairs and into our classroom.

Good times I had with him.

Now, they're all gone.

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