Twenty First Chapter - New York.

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Taylor's Journal Writing.

New York is so beautiful. I have never been, of course, but have always wanted to. Any-who, it's an amazing sight to see. Finn keeps looking at me as well, and it lights up my face. Have you seen his smile?! He's so . . . Whatever. Salem, Simon and I sit in front of Riley and Finn, and oh-my-gosh Riley snores so loud, it hurts my head.

Simon and Salem keep flirting with each other, luckily I'm on the right side instead of in the middle, because if I was... Let's just say that it would kill me. Who knew they'd start liking each other? Oh, wait. Me! I knew for a fact that Salem finds him cute. So does Simon, of course, but I have known Salem for longer.

Enough with me being the third wheel, I'm bored. Fern is enough to handle with her asking way too many questions. I honestly can't even believe that Fern is Wren's sister, I mean just look at them. But it's whatever, I'm sure she'll come in clutch or whatever. Whatever. I like that word. It's better when I'm journaling this entire car ride, because I tune out everyone. Salem and Simon's stupid flirting, Riley's snoring, Fern's questions, and the stupid music she puts on. Luckily I brought headphones.

We've just entered where we're about to live now, it's a modern apartment with 18 story's, and around 135 rooms. (Balcony's, too!). Fern has a bunch of money, though I'm not sure what it's from . . . I'm pretty sure I can guess though... I look to my left, out Salem's window, and see the beautiful tall buildings. I've always had a soft spot for New York; though I've never been. The tall buildings are so mesmerizing to look at. They reach high into the sky, and you can't really see the end. Almost like they go on for forever. Wouldn't that be cool?

Back on topic, we've just gotten into the apartment, and are currently unpacking. I only brought a few things, like all of my money, some pillows and blankets, my phone and a charger, hair tools, books and a writing journal. Oh, I also brought some tapestry to put on my walls, and they fit perfectly. Fern is making us fake I.D.'s right now, which I think is hilarious, because she clearly knows what she's doing. The kitchen is extravagant, and it's filled with food already. The living room fits about 10 people, (we have 7), so it's perfect! We wanted to go for a car ride to a nice hill, so we're doing that after we eat supper. Speaking of supper, it's happening!!

Simon's POV - First Supper

We finally are eating. Yay! Salem and I are sitting beside each other, Finn and Riley are sitting across from us, Wren and Fern are sitting at the head of the table and Taylor is sitting on the edge of the table, between Wren and Salem. God that was a mouthful. Fern keeps laughing at me and Salem, which is because Taylor is laughing at us, making Wren laugh, making Fern laugh, making the two twins laugh. Jeez. On the other hand, Salem is already feeling a lot better, we had a chat when we got here, and she said that New York was her "happy place" so I won't ridicule.

For supper, Fern made us all salad and grilled cheese. Yay...? It tasted fine, so that's good. Finn finished first, followed by his brother. Then Fern, then Taylor and Wren, and finally me and Salem. We're both slow eaters according to everyone else. The mood is a lot better here, thankfully. Not long after we finish, we're on the road again. It's snowing heavily, and Fern had to put her windshield wipers on. Soon, we reached a mountain side, and parked on the lower end.

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