23: Sugadaira

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Izumi: i think im gonna end the book when i reach the end of the anime (aka not including the manga) because this fandom is really really small and i've been dragging on this story for so long alsdkjaksdfj (also i read the manga and there weren't much scenes i was able to include her, as if the anime had any in the first place)



"Sekizan-kun, you better take good care of (Y/n)-chan, okay?" Yumi was sending off the team after they had finally consumed all the food available. Sekizan was the last one to leave and she pulled him to the side before he could exit the house. "She's a really good girl and I think she's really good for you." Her words were genuine and she misunderstood their relationship, but Sekizan couldn't help but to think about her words.

"O-Okay, Yumi-chan.."

On with Chapter 23:


"Ugh, I can't feel my legs..." (Y/n) groaned as she alighted the bus coach. They had just travelled from school to Sugaidaira for a whole 4 hours. Lunch had been given to them in the bus to save time when they reached their destination.

The driver opened the luggage compartment of the bus and the boys helped to unload it. "Thank you!" the managers thanked the driver before he drove off.

Looking around the area, there were people from different schools based on their jerseys. Gion was the most excited there as he pointed out every little thing that intrigued him.

"How far is the inn?" Komori asked when the manager led the team to where the inn they would be staying at for the entirety of the training camp. "About fifteen minutes away." (Y/n) answered. "Keep walking, everyone!" Umeno decided to encourage everyone at the same time.

When the team finally reached their destination, they were greeted with a shabby looking building that was more in the countryside than in the city. "We're broke, so the inn's kinda run down." (Y/n) casually said and Yoshida scolded her, "(L/n)!"

"Good." "What?" Komori commented and Yoshida stopped the scolding. "Swanky hotels are too good for kids. This is just right." the coach said before going up to the door and sliding it open. He was greeted with a middle aged man reading his newspaper behind the front desk, he was probably the owner. "You must be from Kanagawa High." the man said after looking up from the paper.

Komori, Yoshida, (Y/n) and Umeno entered the building while the team waited outside, due to the entrance being too small to hold that many people at once. The owner sat up when he realized he was looking at an unfamiliar face, "Huh? Who are you? The coach?" he asked.

"Thank you for having us. We'll be staying here for the next five days." Komori greeted the man who then greeted back, "No, thank you for staying with us."

Sensing Yoshida's uneasiness, Komori asked if there was something wrong.

"Well, actually.. Every year, our students are badly behaved." Yoshida admitted, "Last year, the third-years caused a lot of trouble."

Komori, thinking otherwise about the current third years, turned to the managers and told them to let the team in. Since Umeno was the closest, she slid the door open and gestured for them to enter. Due to the small space, only the third years were seen crowding by the entrance whereas the others were waiting behind them.

Komori looked at them for a second, as if closely examining them. "It'll be fine this year." he turned back to the owner, "Show us to our rooms. We have a match at two today. We'll be heading straight over to the field once we've dropped off our things."

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