27: Tackling competition

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"Then, (Y/n)-san, who is your type?" seemed like Miki still wasn't satisfied with the lack of answer from the older, who short circuited from the question. "What?" "Definitely the captain."

"I bet no one else gets your attention anymore, (Y/n)-senpai."

"Shut up, Umeno!"

On with Chapter 27:


"Jinko! First years! Don't ket them beat you! You can do it!" Umeno cheered for the team during their match against Saeki Maijo. A few minutes later the referee blew the whistle to signal the end of the match. Jinko managed to score 10 more points than their opponents which resulted in them to be the victors of the match.

"Score! We won!"

"We've gotten crazy strong! It's amazing!"

"Yeah, totally amazing!"

Everyone was in a good mood before and after the win. But it all changed when they went back to the inn for lunchtime.

"Don't let it go to your heads." Komori said during his short briefing after everyone had eaten. Their plates had been cleaned from the food and everyone was still sitting in their seats. "I don't remember going so easy on you in training that two consecutive victories in a couple of practice games would be the cause of celebration."

His words made everyone tense. "It's only natural for you to try to win everything. But we don't know if our opponents have the same mindset. One or two victories here doesn't prove that you've gotten better." the tense atmosphere disappeared and everyone was now listening to their coach intently.

"Winning isn't the aim of games played during this summer training camp." he plopped his arm onto the table to show a more relaxed pose, "LIke I told you before, these games are for figuring out which plays work and which ones don't. First Years!" at the call, they cowered when his gaze was directed at them. "Your movements during the Maijo game weren't too bad."

"All of you will play in our remaining six games. There won't be any time for slacking. Prepare yourselves."

"Yes, sir!"


After getting some rest, the team went back to the field for the second match and their opponents this time were Ogi Tech.

Unfortunately for them, they lost the game and were already on the way back to the inn once again.

"Ugh! This sucks. It's not like we were too cocky out there..."

"But he's definitely going to yell at us before dinner."

"Dammit, we lost!" Gion contributed by exclaiming his disappointment. "I'm not even tired yet!" he added before sprinting forward to lose some energy. He stopped abruptly when he noticed something and went back. "Hey, tree trunk. What's that?"

Iwashimizu finally caught up to him and looked at what Gion was talking about. "Oh! That's the thing everyone's been talking about." Before he could explain it, Raita barged in between them, "Right! Ta-da! It's not a punching machine, but a tackling machine. Apparently, everyone who comes to Sugadaira has a go on it at least once." "Sugadaira's probably the only place in the world that has one."

"Wow! A tackling machine, huh? Let's give it a try, tree trunk.""What?!" Everyone who was walking behind the pair stopped and looked at the machine too. "As long as we're here, let's have a go on it this year." Hachioji suggested. "I want to go back and eat!" everyone seemed to agree on the idea except for Hirota.

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