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:experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it

Would you believe me
If I'll tell you I longed for you?
It's kinda weird but...
I felt like I've been too far away for months
Unable to reach you with my own little hands

I am holding my ticket
Only a seconds away to meet you
But I... wasn't able to do so

Love, I've been too busy
Or maybe I'm trying to say I'm busy
And constantly ignore my urge to run back to you

I know, I feel
The emptiness I have everytime you cross my mind
But for some reason, I was able to swept it away
And focus on the new things that I'm fascinated about

But I do miss you
And I tried many times to travel back
But I always lose track
And before I knew it,
Another day had passed
Without me meeting you... again

And I would spend my times
Staring at the spaces where I left you
And it pained me
That though I wanted to fill it, I can't
My mind was always blank when it comes to you

But love... I am here
Finally, I got home to you
And though I know I can't give you the best words to describe how I feel
I know you know
Through the tip of my tapping fingers
How much this little writer longs for you

Thank you
For welcoming me with a wide smile
A tight hug, and soft tap on the back
I may have wandered everywhere
And tried to ignore you for times
But I will always go back
To you
My very own home sweet home.

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