Chapter 6

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Chapter 6. Beware that this is a little weird today

    In the dark night with no stars and no moon, it is easy to see any light that is a little bit bright, not to mention the big movement of the burning house.

    When the fire just started and Meng Wantao hadn't woken up, Zhuangzi next door was already alert.

    The guard hid in the darkness, reconnaissance, and after confirming that there was no danger to the master, he left again in the darkness.

    When Meng Wantao and Xiao Ci were wrapped in quilts against the night wind and watched their house burn to ashes, everyone in the village next door had already woken up, but the lights in the main house were not on.

    The guard went to check, naturally he found out the cause and effect. After reporting to the master in the room through the door, he didn't speak, waiting for the master to show it.

    Although there were no stars, no moon, and no lights, the night was not completely dark, and people in the room could still be seen wearing white singles.

    His jet-black hair was scattered behind him, and a few strands of falling hair blocked his lower jaw.

    After listening to the report, he was a little interested, changed his sitting position, and looked up at the men standing outside the door.

    With this movement, the chin and the profile of the face were lifted out of the hair.

    Gong Jue specifically asked, "Meng Siyang's only daughter?"

    The people outside said respectfully, "Yes."

    Gong Jue stopped talking.

    What impressed him most about Uncle Chengyu was the young general Meng Siyang twenty years ago.

    Later, after he died in battle, Count Chengyu's mansion no longer had outstanding juniors, and gradually he didn't appear in the court very much. He was so busy, so naturally he wouldn't devote his energy to paying attention to a useless mansion of the Count.

    He had only heard that Meng Siyang and his wife had left a daughter, but because this third Miss Meng was too ordinary, he had no memory of her.

    It's just that it's a little weird today.

    Miss Meng San has lived in Bie Zhuang for more than ten years, and she has never heard anything.

    Gang Li Qu also said that over the years, Mrs. Meng has not paid much attention to this granddaughter, and has been resting in Zhuangzi, but today she suddenly came to Zhuangzi.

    Coincidentally, he also chose here today.

    As soon as his forefoot arrived, the village over there was uncharacteristically, and even Mrs. Meng, who had never set foot in another village, came and made a scene.

    That's all, I slept in the middle of the night and even took water and burned a house.

    Gong Jue has always been cautious.

    Today's affairs are all wrong again, and he instructed lazily outside: "Just keep an eye on it."

    Li Qu followed the master's temper, and he was also cautious in every detail. Hearing this, he replied: "Yes, I'm already staring."

    Seeing the figure in the room lay down, Li Qu quietly retreated.

    But Gong Jue didn't sleep anymore.

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