Chapter 84

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Chapter 84. Birthday Banquet "The Regent is here—!"

    The regent was not happy again.

    The weather is uncertain, it's just difficult to deal with.

    The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty began to live cautiously again.

    Meng Wantao was also in a bad mood because of the 'theft' from the kitchen.

    It's not that it hurts to lose something, but this kind of strange thing makes her a little uneasy.

    Otherwise, it would be better to hire two housekeeping guards.

    None of them, old and young, women and children, can be brave. Seeing that her business is getting better and better, plus there are so many rewards from the palace before, it is not a problem to look like this.

    With this thought in mind, Meng Wantao did not delay, and hired two guards that day.

    In Aunt Li's yard, there just happened to be an empty room, so I lived there directly, and I would eat with Aunt Li and Uncle Li, and pay for jujube sticks.

    It's fine if you can't eat any food, and then I heard from Li Qu that Meng Wantao also hired two nursing homes, but he has never hired a nursing home.

    Gong Jue was in a worse mood.

    Li Qu didn't dare to persuade him, but every day he went to Zhuang Zishang to look through Miss Meng San's kitchen.

    ——Although the nursing homes were hired, in Li Qu's eyes, the two nursing homes were scumbags, and it was impossible to find him unless the two nursing homes were sleeping in the kitchen.

    What he didn't understand was that the third lady had hired a nursing home, why she still brought the leftovers into the house, so that he could not return for a few days, and could only watch the master lose weight and gloomy day by day.

    Li Qu had no other way, so he could only have people queue up at Miss San's shop every day to buy food and come back.

    Although it's not a meal, in the end, you can't be hungry, right?

    After asking the nursing home, Meng Wantao hugged two more small milk dogs and let Aunt Li keep them. Zhuangzi Shang originally had two cats sent by Thirteen, and two more small milk dogs, Meng Wantao was in a good mood. All right.

    On the day of heavy snow, it was rare to meet big customers again. Before noon, the goods were sold out. After the pre-orders were delivered, Meng Wantao closed the store and took them back for the festival.

    Although the festivals are usually held by the grand ones, there are occasional people who celebrate the festival. Meng Wantao is happy today. In addition to the hard work recently, she originally planned to provide welfare for everyone. It just happened that the end of the day was early. It's snowing again.

    Heavy snow is generally to eat caramel, eat three snow.

    The caramel is too sweet. Meng Wantao didn't like it very much, but they liked the small porcelain and the spoon, so Meng Wantao also bought a piece for them to eat.

    The three snows are: snow lotus root, snow cabbage and snow pear paste.

    Since it is a festival, naturally it cannot be the only food that should be eaten during the festival.

    Welfare has to be like giving out benefits. Everyone loves grilled fish, and today it is mainly grilled fish.

    In addition, Meng Wantao also stewed a whole leg of lamb in a large pot, and then shredded it and eaten it.

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