Chapter 85

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Chapter 85. He wants to see her

    Meng Wantao crossed the threshold with one foot. Hearing this, he paused for a moment and turned his head to look subconsciously.

    The gate of the Guogong Mansion was crowded with people, and there were still long queues. The Prince Regent's chariot only reached the scope of the Guogong Mansion.

    Meng Wantao saw such a long carriage team, and started to lean up to the side of the road from a distance, giving way to the middle of the road.

    Everyone at the gate of the mansion looked towards the end of the convoy.

    However, everyone looked different.

    Standing still at the door of someone's house, especially when one foot has already crossed the threshold, it is really inappropriate to stand there for a long time.

    After stepping through the door, naturally there is only the reason to move forward, and there is no way to retreat.

    Meng Wantao raised his other foot first, crossed the threshold, and entered the Guogong's mansion.

    She has always been very curious about who the Regent is.

    Therefore, when I entered the Guogong Mansion, I didn't go in immediately, but stopped at the door.

    When the maid who led the way saw her stop, she only thought that she saw an acquaintance and wanted to wait, so she stopped too, without urging her, and without showing any displeasure on her face.

    However, the convoy on the road is too long and too congested.

    Come to attend the birthday banquet of the lady of the country, the natural identity is not ordinary, the carriage is naturally big and gorgeous, doesn't it take up the road?

    Meng Wantao looked at it from a distance for a while, and after so much effort, it seemed that the road was only a dozen meters away, and the chariot of the regent was still blocked.

    Looking at this scene, for some reason, Meng Wantao wanted to laugh.

    That's the Regent!

    With all the power in the world, stomping and stomping, the whole capital has to be worried, and the biggest villain in the whole book is actually blocked.

    It was rude, she tried her best to hold down the corner of her mouth that was about to rise.

    But no matter how hard you try, there will always be a smile.

    Xiao Ci was also curious about the Prince Regent, and stretched his neck to look hard at the end of the convoy.

    I didn't see anything, I just saw that all the cars were covered by Wu Ying.

    Regrettably looking back, she saw a smile on the corner of the young lady's mouth, even in the bottom of her eyes, she was a little strange.

    Miss, who did you see?

    She turned to look again and went to search. Which acquaintance did the lady see?

    "Late night!"

    Although Zhao Yuanqiu's carriage had not reached the gate of the Guogong's mansion, it had already arrived. Zhao Yuanqiu had been blocked for a long time, and he heard the servants say that the Prince Regent had also arrived, and the road was blocked at the moment. , Before the chariot came, she immediately got out of the car, got out of the car, and walked to the Guogong's mansion.

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