Chapter 29

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Chapter 29. When the exception Gong Jue saw her, her indifferent expression changed instantly...

    One tael of gold is exchanged for ten taels of silver, and the gold ingot in Gong Jue’s hand is at least ten taels.

    That is at least one hundred taels of silver.

    One hundred taels of silver, if you give it, is he, is he so rich?

    Meng Wantao was a little unbelievable. He felt that he had paid the wrong money for so long...

    "You don't have enough money?" Seeing that she didn't answer, she just stared at him blankly, Gong Jue thought, she must be happy When it was broken, she pressed the corner of her mouth that was about to turn up, and said, "Take it."

    Meng Wantao: "..."

    She wanted to say, where did you get the money, but she felt that it was a bit hurtful to self-esteem.

    Maybe like her, although she can't eat enough every day and has no money to see a doctor, she still has two life-saving silver bracelets in her hands. This ingot of gold may have been given to him by some very important elder.

    Don't say if it really came like this, even if it wasn't, Meng Wantao wouldn't be able to take his money.

    "Thank you," she smiled at Gong Jue, "but you really don't need it."

    Gong Jue raised her eyebrows, a little puzzled: "Are you not short of money?"

    Why would you sell it in someone else's shop instead of yourself Buy a shop?

    Obviously lacking!

    "It's a shortage," Meng Wantao admitted generously. It's not a shame to be short of money. In this world, most people are poor people, she said, "But I can still handle it now, it's not in a hurry, and your money It is best to hold it by yourself, but you can also rely on it, and you should be in a hurry at a critical time."

    Gong Jue looked at the gold in his hand, and his eyebrows twitched.

    Isn't it short of money, why not?

    When he looked up, he saw Meng Wantao smiling at him again: "It's really not needed, you'd better keep it."

    Gong Jue: "..."

    Afraid that she would refuse, he deliberately chose this small ingot! Why not?

    His face tightened slightly, and he handed his hand to her again, with a slightly heavier tone: "Take it."

    If he hadn't known about his previous situation, just based on his words and actions at this time, he would be quite a domineering president. Fan's, but...

    "I really don't need to," Meng Wantao immediately stopped him and put his five fingers away, and pushed him in front of him: "Just put it away, I can wait for the store to open again, don't worry."

    Gong Jue's brows tightened.

    There is no reason to take back what he sent.

    "Take it." He said again.

    Meng Wantao really didn't expect that he would insist so much, she could hardly beat him.


    Before she could finish her sentence, she heard Gong Jue say, "I can't use it." He really couldn't use the money, and it was given to him by others.

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